Body of Water
Select One
A A Hilton Pond
A Bar H Ranch Pond
A J Kennedy Pond One
A J Kennedy Pond Two
A J Spencer Pond
A S T Kraysland Pond
Abbott Lake
Able Canal
Acorn Fish Lake
Acorn Lake
Acorn Lake (Apalachicola River)
Acorn Lake (Larkins Landing)
Acorn Lake Creek
Acosta Creek
Adams Lake
Adams Mill Creek
Adams Pond
Adams Spring
Adams Spring Branch
Addison Bay
Addison Creek
Aerojet Canal Number C-111
Africa Bayou
Agricultural Canal
Aiden Pond
Airport Canal
Ajay Lake
Akins Pond
Al Lopez Park FMA
Alachua Sink
Alafia River
Alafia River Channel
Alagood Lake
Alapaha River
Alapahoochee River
Alaqua Bayou
Alaqua Creek
Alberson Stretch
Albert Gordon Pond
Alberta Lake
Albritton Lake
Alder Pond
Alderman Creek
Alexander Springs Creek
Alfred Branch
Alice Creek
All Tides Cove
Allen Creek
Allen Mill Pond
Allen Spring
Allens Well Pond
Alligator Alley (I-75) Canal
Alligator Bay
Alligator Bay (Joe Bay)
Alligator Bayou (Panama City Beach)
Alligator Bayou (Southport)
Alligator Branch
Alligator Cove
Alligator Creek
Alligator Creek (Hilliard SW)
Alligator Creek (Italia)
Alligator Creek (Lawtey)
Alligator Creek (Starke)
Alligator Harbor
Alligator Lake
Alligator Lake (Loxahatchee Slough)
Alligator Pass
Alligator Pond
Alligator Ponds
Allison Pond
Alton Lake
Alva Davidson Pond
Amason Creek
Amelia River
Ammonia River Sand Slough
Amory Lake
Anclote Anchorage
Anclote River
Anderson Bayou
Anderson Branch
Anderson Lake
Anderson Mill Creek
Anderson Pond
Anderson Spring
Andover Lakes
Andrew Lake
Andrews Creek
Andrews Lake
Andrews Mill Creek
Angela Lake
Angeles Lake
Angelico Branch
Angelwing Creek
Anglers Lake
Anna Maria Sound
Anne Marie Lake
Annie Marsh Pond
Apalachee Bay
Apalachicola Bay
Apalachicola River
Apopka Beauclair Canal
Apopka Springs
Apshawa Lake
Arbor Bush Branch
Arbuckle Branch
Arbuckle Creek
Arch Creek
Archie Creek
Argenta Lake
Arlington River
Armstrong Pond
Arnold Pond
Arthur R. Marshall Loxahatchee NWR
Ash Slough
Ashton Dead River
Ates Creek
Athena Warrior Creek
Atlantic Camp Ground Spring
Attapulgus Creek
Atwell Pond
Aucilla River
Aucilla Spring
Austin Bayou
Avenue Pond
Avocado Creek
Axle Creek
Bachelor Lake
Bachelor Pond
Back Bay
Back River
Bagget Lake
Baggett Creek
Bagley Cove
Bagwell Lake
Bahia Honda Channel
Bailey Branch
Bailey Mill Creek
Baird Creek
Bairs Cove
Bait Lake
Baker Bayou
Baker Branch
Baker Creek
Baker Cut
Baker Pond
Bakers Haulover Inlet
Ballard Cove
Balsam Lake
Baltzell Spring
Banana Branch
Banana Creek
Banana Lake
Banana River
Bandy Branch
Bandy Lake
Banjo Lake
Banks Lake
Bannahassee River
Banner Lake
Baptising Pond
Baptist Lake
Baptizing Hole
Baptizing Pond
Baptizing Spring
Barbara Lake
Barbecue Branch
Barber Branch
Barbers Reach
Barfield Bay
Barge Channel
Barkers Ditch Cove
Barley Basin
Barnes Sound
Barnett Creek
Barnett Lake
Barnett Mill Creek
Barney Creek
Barpost Lake
Barracuda Keys Channel
Barrel Branch
Barrel Pond
Barrel Spring
Barrentine Creek
Barron River
Bartell Bay
Barton Lake
Basin Bayou
Basin Creek
Basket Lake
Bass Branch
Bass Brinks Creek
Bass Hole Cove
Bass Lake
Bass Lake (Paisley)
Bass Lake (Pine Lakes)
Bass Slough
Basset Branch
Bath Lake
Battle Creek
Battle Pond
Bauldree Branch
Baxter Bay Pond
Bay Branch
Bay Branch (De Funiak Springs West)
Bay Branch (Glendale)
Bay Channel
Bay Creek
Bay Gall Ponds
Bay Head Branch
Bay Horse Pond
Bay Lake
Bay Lake (Disney)
Bay Lake (E Lancaster Rd)
Bay Lake (John Young Pkwy)
Bay Lake (Paisley)
Bay Lake (Umatilla)
Bay San Blas
Bayboro Harbor
Baymeadows Park Lake
Bayou Branch
Bayou Chico
Bayou Creek
Bayou Garcon
Bayou George
Bayou George Creek
Bayou Grande
Bayou Lake
Bayou Marcus
Bayou Texter
Bayview Creek
Bazzell Pond
Beacon Pass
Beakman Lake
Beale Creek
Beany Pond
Bear Bay Branch
Bear Bay Branch (Mossy Head)
Bear Bay Branch (Niceville)
Bear Bay Creek
Bear Bay Sink
Bear Branch
Bear Creek
Bear Creek (Baker)
Bear Creek (County Hwy 83A W)
Bear Creek (De Funiak Springs West)
Bear Creek (Dorcas)
Bear Creek (Fort Walton Beach)
Bear Creek (Jolly Bay)
Bear Creek Pond
Bear Cut
Bear Gully Canal
Bear Gully Creek
Bear Gully Lake
Bear Hammock Lake
Bear Hammock Lakes
Bear Harbor Lake
Bear Head Lake
Bear Hole
Bear Lake
Bear Lake (Lake Nellie)
Bear Lake (Paisley)
Bear Lake (Pine Lakes)
Bear Point Cove
Bear Pond
Bear Spring
Bearman Creek
Beasley Creek
Beatty Bayou
Beaver Branch
Beaver Creek
Beaver Pond
Beaverdam Creek
Beaverdam Lake
Beckett Lake
Becks Lake
Becton Pond
Bedman Creek
Bee Branch
Bee Branch (Blackman)
Bee Branch (Niceville)
Bee Gum Lake
Bee Haven Bay
Bee Ponds
Bee Tree Branch
Bee Tree Pond
Beech Branch
Beech Tree Creek
Beecher Run
Beecher Spring
Beef Camp Branch
Beefwood Branch
Beer Can Pond
Beetree Pond
Bel Aire Canal Number C 1-N
Bel-Air Lake
Belcher Canal
Belcher Hole
Bell Bay Branch
Bell Branch
Bell Creek
Bell Lake
Bell Pond
Bell Springs
Bella Vista Bay
Belle Aire Canal C-1N
Bellows Lake
Bells Leg
Bells Mill Pond
Bells River
Bellshead Branch
Beltons Millpond
Ben Branch
Bends Creek
Bennett Branch
Bennetts Creek
Bens Creek
Bens Lake
Benton Lake
Berchfield Lake
Berry Ann Lake
Berry Pond
Bert Brothers Pond
Bessie Cove
Bessy Creek
Bethea Lake
Bethel Creek
Bethel Creek Cove
Bethel Spring Branch
Bethesda FMA
Betsy Branch
Between the Grades Lake
Beville Ditch
Bevins Creek
Bienville Plantation
Big Bass Lake
Big Bay
Big Bay Lake
Big Bay Pond
Big Bayou
Big Bear Creek
Big Bear Lake
Big Bend Channel
Big Blue Lake (Crystal Lake)
Big Blue Lake (Red Head)
Big Blue Spring
Big Bluff Lake
Big Boggy Branch
Big Boy Lake
Big Branch
Big Branch (Chipley)
Big Branch (De Funiak Springs East)
Big Branch (Esto)
Big Branch (Fiftone)
Big Branch (Glendale)
Big Branch (Middleburg SW)
Big Branch Beaver Creek
Big Breedlove Lake
Big Brook
Big Brushy Lake
Big Carlos Pass
Big Cockroach Pass
Big Coldwater Creek
Big Cove
Big Creek
Big Cypress Branch
Big Cypress Creek
Big Davis Creek
Big Ditch
Big Eddy
Big Escambia Creek
Big Fish Lake
Big Fishweir Creek
Big Flounder Creek
Big Fork
Big Gant Lake
Big Gully Creek
Big Gum Lake
Big Hammock
Big Hammock Point
Big Head Branch
Big Henderson Lake
Big Hickory Pass
Big Horse Creek
Big Island Gap
Big Island Lake
Big Jones Creek
Big Juniper Creek
Big Lagoon
Big Lake
Big Lake Johnson
Big Lake Vienna
Big Lige Branch
Big Lilly Lake
Big Lostmans Bay
Big Magnesia Creek
Big Marco Pass
Big Miguel Pass
Big Morrell Lake
Big Mound Canal
Big Mound Creek
Big Mud Creek
Big Muddy Creek
Big Mulberry Branch
Big Pass
Big Pond
Big Prairie
Big Redfish Lake
Big Reedy Creek
Big Rock Creek
Big Rock Sink
Big Run
Big Sable Creek
Big Sand Lake
Big Sarasota Pass
Big Slough
Big Slough Canal
Big Smokehouse Cove
Big Snapper Cut
Big Spanish Channel
Big Spivey Lake
Big Spring
Big Spring Creek
Big Stake Gap
Big Starvation Cove
Big Steep Pond
Big Swamp Creek
Big Sweetwater Creek
Big Trout Creek
Big West Bayou
Big Whirl
Big/Little Spivey Lakes
Bigeye Hole
Bill Branch
Bill Dick Pond
Bill Glover Pond
Billies Bay
Billies Branch
Bills Arm
Billups Pond
Billy Branch
Billy Creek
Billy Lake
Bimini Basin
Bimini Bay
Bird Branch
Bird Creek (Waccasassa Bay)
Bird Creek (Yankeetown)
Bird Island Creek
Bird Island Lakes
Bird Key Bank
Bird Key Bight
Bird Key Harbor
Bird Lake
Bird Lake (Center Hill)
Bird Lake (Dade City)
Bird Lake (Howey In The Hills)
Bird Lake (Lutz)
Bird Pond
Bird Pond Slough
Bird Sink
Birdeye Lake
Birdseye Lake
Biscayne Bay
Biscayne Canal
Biscayne Canal Number C-8
Biscayne Channel
Biscayne Creek
Biscayne Waterway
Bishop Branch
Bishop Creek
Bishop Harbor
Bissitte Bay
Bittersweet Cove
Bivans Arm
Bivens Creek
Black Branch
Black Branch Canal
Black Creek
Black Creek (Bradfordville)
Black Creek (Ward)
Black Creek Canal NO C-1W
Black Creek Canal Number C-1
Black Dog Lake
Black Lake
Black Lake (Disney)
Black Lake (Lutz)
Black Lake (Odessa)
Black Lake (Winter Garden)
Black Point Creek
Black Pond
Black Pond (Hinsons Crossroads)
Black Pond (Vernon)
Black Prong
Black Rock Creek
Black Water Creek (Paisley)
Black Water Creek (Sanford SW)
Blackburn Canal
Blackburn Pond
Blackfish Lake
Blackhole Pond
Blackjack Creek
Blacks Lake
Blacks Still Lake
Blackshire Creek
Blacksnake Creek
Blackwater Bay
Blackwater Creek
Blackwater Lake
Blackwater Pass
Blackwater River
Blackwater Sound
Blair Pond
Blakeslee Creek
Blanket Bay Slough
Blanket Grass Pond
Blanton Lake
Blind Alligator Bayou
Blind Creek
Blind Pass
Blind Spruce Creek
Block Pond
Blocker Lake
Blockhouse Creek
Blossom Lake
Blount Creek
Blount Island Channel
Blount Mill Creek
Blounts Bay
Blounts Branch
Blue Bay
Blue Creek
Blue Creek (Hobbs Crossroads)
Blue Creek (Keaton Beach)
Blue Creek (Prosperity)
Blue Creek (Salem)
Blue Cypress Creek
Blue Cypress Lake
Blue Heron Lake
Blue Hill Bay
Blue Hole
Blue Homestead Lake
Blue Hot Spring
Blue Lagoon
Blue Lake
Blue Lake (Alexander Springs)
Blue Lake (Crewsville)
Blue Lake (Eustis)
Blue Lake (Hialeah)
Blue Lake (South Miami)
Blue Pete Lake
Blue Peter Lake
Blue Pond
Blue Pond (Hawthorne)
Blue Pond (San Mateo)
Blue Shanty Canal
Blue Sink
Blue Sink (Brooksville SE)
Blue Sink (Farles Lake)
Blue Sink (Lake Weir)
Blue Sink (Saint Catherine)
Blue Sink Pond
Blue Spring
Blue Spring (Marianna)
Blue Spring (Rock Bluff)
Blue Spring Creek
Blue Spring Lake
Blue Springs
Blue Springs Run
Blue Water Creek
Bluebird Lake
Bluefish Channel
Blues Creek
Bluff Branch
Bluff Creek
Bluff Springs Lake
Blume Lake
Board Bay
Boardhead Branch
Boat Creek
Boat Lake
Boat Pond
Boatwright Lakes
Bob Russ Lakes
Bobby Hicks Park FMA
Bobcat Pond
Bobs Lake
Boca Chica Channel
Boca Ciega Bay
Boca Grande
Boca Grande Channel
Boca Raton Inlet
Bodiford Pond
Bogey Branch
Bogg Pond
Boggess Hole
Boggess Lake
Boggs Pond
Boggy Bay
Boggy Bayou
Boggy Branch
Boggy Branch (Alturas)
Boggy Branch (Bereah)
Boggy Creek
Boggy Creek (Lake Manatee)
Boggy Creek (Myakka City)
Boggy Hollow Creek
Boggy Jordan Bayou
Boggy Lake
Boggy Pond
Bogie Channel
Bogy Branch
Boiler Gap
Boiler Lake
Boiling Creek
Boiling Creek Lake
Boll Green Lake
Bolles Canal
Bolster Bayou
Bolt Lake
Bolton Branch
Bonable Lake
Bonds Branch
Bone Bluff Lake
Bone Creek
Bone Pond
Bonita Lake
Bonnel Lake
Bonnet Creek
Bonnet Gully
Bonnet Lake
Bonnet Lake (Branchborough)
Bonnet Lake (Cow Creek)
Bonnet Lake (Dade City)
Bonnet Lake (Danny Hole Rd)
Bonnet Lake (Indian Lake Rd)
Bonnet Pond
Bonnet Pond (Poplar Head)
Bonnet Pond (Vernon)
Bonnet Sink
Bonnet Spring
Bonnett Pond
Bonny Lake
Booker Creek
Boone Lake
Boot Key Harbor
Booth Lake
Bootheel Creek
Booze Lake
Boram Lake
Border Lake
Borrow Pit Pond
Bosse Lake
Bostick Branch
Botheration Bayou
Botheration Creek
Bottle Branch
Bottonwood Pond
Boutwell Branch
Bow Channel
Bowden Creek
Bowen Lake
Bowers Lake
Bowlees Creek
Bowlegs Creek
Bowlegs Cut
Bowman Bayou
Bowman Creek
Box Branch
Boyd Lake
Boyds Lake
Boynton Canal
Boynton Cutoff
Boynton Inlet
Bracel Branch
Braddock Creek
Braden Ball Pond One
Braden River
Bradford Brook
Bradford Pond
Bradley Creek
Bradley Lake
Bradwell Bay
Braggs Branch
Brandt Pond
Brandy Branch
Brandy Creek
Branning Branch
Brant Lake
Brantley Lake
Brantly Lake
Bray Mill Creek
Bream Lake
Bream Lake (Lynne)
Bream Lake (Yankeetown)
Breastworks Branch
Brenson Pond
Brewer Lake
Briarwood Lake
Brice Fine Pass
Brice Pond
Brick Lake
Brickhouse Cove
Brickyard Creek
Brickyard Lake
Brickyard Pond
Bridge Branch
Bridge Creek
Brier Creek
Bright Lake
Brills Cut Range
Brim Pond
Bristow Lake
Brit Lake
Britches Creek
Britt Branch
Britt Creek
Broad Branch
Broad Canal
Broad Creek
Broad Creek (Card Sound)
Broad Creek (Harney River)
Broad River
Broad River Bay
Broadaxe Creek
Broaduay Channel
Brock Creek
Brock Lake
Brock Mill Branch
Brooker Creek
Brooklyn Bay
Brooks Branch
Brooks Lake
Brooks Pond
Broomstraw Branch
Brothers River
Broward Creek
Broward Point Turn
Broward River
Brown Branch
Brown Creek (Dead Lakes)
Brown Creek (Jackson River)
Brown Lake
Brown Pond
Browns Bay
Browns Branch
Browns Creek
Browns Lake
Browns Lakes
Broxson Branch
Bruce Creek
Brunner Pond
Brunson Pond
Brush Creek
Brush Lake
Brush Sink
Brushy Creek
Brushy Pond
Bryant Lake
Bryant Pond
Buchan Pond
Buchau Pass
Buck Bay
Buck Bayou
Buck Bend Lake
Buck Branch
Buck Branch (Mossy Head)
Buck Branch (Spencer Flats)
Buck Creek
Buck Head
Buck Head Branch/Mill Dam Branch
Buck Island Lake
Buck Key Channel
Buck Lake
Buck Lake (Bear Hammock)
Buck Lake (E Irlo Bronson Memorial Hwy)
Buck Lake (Formosa Gardens Blvd)
Buck Pelt Branch
Buck Pond
Buck Pond (Lake Mary)
Buck Pond (Romeo)
Bucket Branch
Buckeye Branch
Buckhannon Branch
Buckhead Branch
Buckhorn Creek
Buckhorn Spring
Bud Slough
Buddy Branch
Buddy Lake
Buddy Pond
Buffalo Canal
Buffalo Lake
Buffalo Mill Creek
Buford Bay
Bugg Spring
Buggs Creek
Bull Bay
Bull Branch
Bull Cove
Bull Creek
Bull Creek (Deer Park)
Bull Hole
Bull Pen Branch
Bull Pond
Bull Sink
Bullfrog Creek
Bullhide Creek
Bulloch Branch
Bullock Lake
Bully Horselot Branch
Bully Lake
Bulow Creek
Bumblebee Creek
Bumpy Creek
Bunces Pass
Bunch Ground Pond
Bundy Lake
Bungalow Pass
Bunker Cove
Bunkers Cove
Buoy Pass
Burke Pond
Burkett Bayou
Burnette Pond
Burnetts Lake
Burns Lake
Burns Pond
Burns Prairie
Burnt Cypress Lake
Burnt Grocery Creek
Burnt Mill Creek
Burntout Creek
Burrell Lake
Burton Creek
Buscombe Creek
Bush Pond
Bushstake Gap
Butcher Pen Creek
Butcherknife Branch
Butcherpen Cove
Butler Creek
Butler Hole
Butler Lake
Butterfly Lake
Buttermilk Slough
Button Bush Pond
Button Bush Pond (historical)
Buttonwood Bay
Buttonwood Harbor
Buttonwood Pond
Buttonwood Sound
Buzzard Bay
Buzzard Roost Branch
Buzzard Roost Cove
Buzzards Lake
Buzzards Roost Lake
Byron Sube Mill Pond
Bystre Lake
C J King Junior Pond
C R Wise Pond
C W Thomas Lake
C.B. Smith Pond
C-1 Canal
C-10 Canal
C-10 Spur
C-100 Canal (Cutler Drain Canal)
C-103 Canal
C-11 Canal
C-111 Canal
C-13 Canal
C-14 Canal
C-15 Canal
C-16 Canal
C-18 Canal
C-2 Canal
C-23 Canal
C-24 Canal
C-4 Canal (Tamiami Canal)
C-51 Canal
C-8 Canal
C-9 Canal
Cabbage Bay
Cabbage Creek
Cabbage Drain
Cabbage Slough
Cabbage Slough Pond
Caesar Creek
Cain Lake
Calda Channel
Calder Head
Caldwell Branch
Caldwells Pond
Calf Branch
Calf Creek
Calf Lake
Calf Pond
Calhoun Channel
California Bayou
California Creek
California Lake
California Sinks
Calkins Creek
Callalisa Creek
Callaway Bayou
Callaway Creek
Caloosa FMA
Caloosahatchee Canal
Caloosahatchee River
Cambo Lake
Camel Pond
Camellia Lake
Camp Branch
Camp Branch (New Harmony)
Camp Branch (Ponce de Leon)
Camp Creek
Camp Creek (Bunker)
Camp Creek (Glendale)
Camp Creek (Point Washington)
Camp Creek Lake
Camp Crystal Lake
Camp Lake
Camp Pond
Campbell Branch
Campbell Creek
Campbell Lake
Campbell Pocket
Campbell Pond
Campbell Sink
Campbells Dead River
Campbells Mill Creek
Campground Lake
Campground Pond
Camps Canal
Canal 111
Canal 111E
Canal C-39a
Canal C-40
Canal C-41
Canal C-41A
Canal L 31 E
Canal Lake
Canal Number C-110
Canaveral Barge Canal
Canaveral Bight
Cane Creek
Caney Branch
Caney Branch (Bonifay)
Caney Branch (Prosperity)
Caney Creek
Caney Flat Branch
Cannon Bay
Cannon Branch
Cannon Creek
Cannon Pond (Bell)
Cannon Pond (Fourmile Lake)
Canoe Creek
Cape Florida Anchorage
Cape Florida Channel
Cape Haze Bay
Capo Creek
Captiva Pass
Caraway Lake
Caraway Mill Pond
Card Point Cut
Card Sound
Careless Prairie
Carl Pond
Carlisle Lake
Carlney Lake
Carlton Branch
Carlton Lake
Carlton Spring
Carman Cove
Carnigan Branch
Carns Pond
Carp Lake
Carpenter Branch
Carpenter Creek
Carpenter Pond
Carpenter Sink Creek
Carr Branch
Carr Creek
Carr Lake
Carr Spring Branch
Carrabelle Harbor
Carrabelle River
Carrin Bayou
Carroll Creek
Carroll Pond
Carson Gully
Carter Branch
Carter Creek
Carter Pond
Carters Cut
Cartoon Dog Lake
Carver Pond
Casa Cola Creek
Casa Linda Lake
Cascade Lake
Cash Bayou
Cash Creek
Cason Lake
Cassidy Spring
Casson Pond
Casterline Lake
Castle Lake
Cat Branch
Cat Creek
Cat Head Pond
Cat Island Lake
Cat Lake
Cat Pond
Catfish Basin
Catfish Branch
Catfish Creek
Catfish Creek (Cocoa)
Catfish Creek (Mims)
Catfish Lake
Catfish Slough
Cato Lake
Cattail Lake
Cattail Lakes
Cave Spring
Cawthon Branch
Caxambas Bay
Caxambas Pass
Cebe Land Cutoff
Cecil Butler Lake
Cedar Branch
Cedar Creek
Cedar Drain
Cedar Hammock Creek
Cedar Hammock Drainage Canal
Cedar Head Branch
Cedar Island Bayou
Cedar Lake
Cedar Pond
Cedar River
Cedar Swamp Creek
Cemetery Lake
Cemetery Pond
Center Lake
Center Lake Nellie
Center Pond
Centerfit Branch
Centipede Bay
Central Yacht Basin
Chacala Pond
Chadwick Bayou
Chaires Creek
Chalk Hill Branch
Challenger Lake
Chambers Cove
Champlain Bayou
Chandler Hammock Slough
Chandler Pond
Channel Five
Channel Key Pass
Channel Two
Chaparral Slough
Chapel Branch
Chapman Lake
Chapman Lake (Brandon)
Chapman Lake (Sulphur Springs)
Charles Spring
Charley Creek
Charley Pond
Charlie Creek
Charlie McKissack Cut
Charlotte Harbor
Charlotte Pond
Chason Pond
Chason Ponds
Chassahowitzka Bay
Chassahowitzka River
Chatham River
Cheney Pond
Cherokee Sink
Cherry Branch
Cherry Lake
Cherry Sink
Chestnut Creek
Chevelier Bay
Chicken Head
Chicken Slough
Chicopit Bay
Chimney Cove
Chinkapin Branch
Chipley Creek
Chipola River
Chito Branch
Choctawhatchee Bay
Choctawhatchee River
Chokoloskee Bay
Chokoloskee Pass
Christina Lake
Christmas Creek
Christmas Lake
Christmas Pass
Christopher Creek
Chub Creek
Chub Pond
Chula Vista Bayou
Chunky Pond
Church Creek
Church Lake
Churchhouse Branch
Churchill Bayou
Cinco Bayou
Cindy Lake
City Front Reach
Clair Pond
Clam Bayou
Clam Pass
Clambar Bay
Clambar Bayou
Clapboard Creek
Clardy Lakes
Clarence Lake
Clark Branch
Clark Creek
Clark Lake
Clarkes Creek
Classy Pond
Clay Branch
Clay Creek
Clay Gully
Clay Hole Creek
Clay Hole Pond
Clay Lake
Clayhole Pond
Clayton Howard Pond
Clear Basin
Clear Branch
Clear Creek
Clear Lake
Clear Lake (Clermont)
Clear Lake (Crescent City)
Clear Lake (Ehren)
Clear Lake (Keuka)
Clear Lake (Poinciana Rd)
Clear Lake (San Antonio)
Clear Lake (SE 172st Ct Rd)
Clear Lake (Umatilla)
Clear Pond
Clear Pond (Hildreth)
Clear Pond (Waters Lake)
Clear Water Lake
Clearview Lake
Clearwater Bay
Clearwater Branch
Clearwater Creek (Keaton Beach)
Clearwater Creek (Warrior Swamp)
Clearwater Harbor
Clearwater Lake
Clearwater Lake (Melrose)
Clearwater Lake (Putnam Hall)
Clearwater Lake (Satsuma)
Clearwater Pass
Clearwater Pond
Clearwater Pond (Bayhead)
Clearwater Pond (Broad Branch)
Cleve Hinton Creek
Cliff Lake
Clifton Springs
Club Lake
Clubhouse Lake
Clump Pond
Clyde Reese Pond
Coal Spring Lake
Coalbin Rock
Coates Branch
Cobb Bay Pond
Cobb Branch
Cobb Creek
Cobb Pond
Cochran Cove
Cochran Lake
Cochran Slough
Cochrans Pass
Cockroach Bay
Cockroach Channel
Cockroach Creek
Cocoa Yacht Basin
Cocohatchee River
Coconut Bayou
Cocoplum Waterway
Cody Pond
Coffee Branch
Coffee Pond
Coffee Sink
Coffeepot Bayou
Coffeepot Cove
Coker Creek
Colee Cove
Coleman Pond
Collier Bay
Collins Canal
Collinsworth Pond
Columbia Spring
Comfort Canal Number C-5
Commander Creek
Commston Lake
Como Lake
Compass Lake
Compass Point Creek
Complex Lake
Conchie Basin
Conchie Channel
Conecuh River
Connell Lake
Conrad Creek
Content Passage
Convict Spring
Coocksey Branch
Cooeg Pond
Coogler Pond
Cook Bay
Cook Creek
Cook Lake (Clermont)
Cook Lake (Leesburg)
Cook Sink
Cooks Bayou
Cooks Mill Pond
Cool Kell Lake
Cool Spring Pond
Coon Camp Branch
Coon Creek
Coon Dog Lake
Coon Gravy Gate
Coon Head
Coon Head Branch
Coon Key Pass
Coon Lake
Coon Pond
Coon Prairie Pond
Coon Wallow
Cooney Pond
Coons Bay Branch
Coop Pond
Cooper Basin
Cooper Bayou
Cooper Branch
Cooper Creek
Cooper Lake
Coopers Pond
Coot Bay
Coot Bay Pond
Coot Creek
Cooter Lake
Cooter Pond
Copeland Sink
Coral Bay
Coral Cove
Coral Creek
Coral Gables Canal
Coral Gables Waterway
Coral Lake
Corbett Branch
Corbett Estate Pond
Corbett Pond
Corbett Sink
Corbin Pond
Corbit Branch
Corkins Lake
Corklan Branch
Corkwood Pond
Cormorant Branch
Cormorant Pass
Corn Landing Lake
Corner Lake
Cossiers Creek
Cosson Mill
Cotton Creek
Cotton Key Basin
Cotton Lake
Coulter Basin
Counterfeit Lake
Counterfeit Mill Creek
Country Oaks Lakes
County Line Canal
Coupon Bight
Court Martial Lake
Courtneys Old Bay
Covas Creek
Cove Lake
Cow Branch
Cow Creek
Cow Creek (Cobb Rocks)
Cow Creek (Sanborn)
Cow Creek (Spring Creek)
Cow Creek (Wacissa)
Cow House Creek
Cow Key Channel
Cow Log Branch
Cow Pen Branch
Cow Pen Creek
Cow Pen Slough
Cow Pen Slough Canal
Cow Pond
Cow Ponds
Cow Slough
Cowarts Creek
Cowarts Lake
Cowdevil Creek
Cowhead Creek
Cowhide Creek
Cowpen Branch
Cowpen Lake
Cowpen Pond
Cowpens Anchorage
Cowpens Cut
Cox Creek
Cox Lake
Cox Pond
Coxes Branch
Crab Creek
Crab Creek Spring
Crab Key Bight
Crab Lake
Crabgrass Creek
Crabgrass Pond
Cracker Branch (Dinner Island)
Cracker Branch (Hastings)
Cradle Creek
Craig Branch
Craig Creek
Crain Pond
Crandon Marina
Crane Branch
Crane Creek (Cocoa)
Crane Creek (Melbourne West)
Crane Lake
Crane Pond
Crane Ponds
Cravero Lake
Cravy Lakes
Crawford Creek
Crawford Lake
Crayton Cove
Creech Pond
Creek Sink
Creighton Bayou
Crescent Lake
Crescent Lake (Clermont)
Crescent Lake (Mascotte)
Crescent Lake (Umatilla)
Crest Lake
Crews Lake
Critical Bayou
Critical Creek
Croaker Hole Cove
Crocodile Lake
Croft Pond
Croft/VanNess Lake
Cromartie Arm
Crooked Arm Lake
Crooked Creek
Crooked Drain
Crooked Lake
Crooked Lake (Astor)
Crooked Lake (Lake Louisa)
Crooked Pond
Crooked River
Crooked Run
Crooked Sapling Pond
Cross Bayou
Cross Bayou Canal
Cross Bays
Cross Branch
Cross Creek
Cross Cypress Branch
Cross Florida Barge Canal
Cross Way Lake
Crossway Branch
Crow Pond
Crowder Holes
Crystal Bay
Crystal Bowl
Crystal Cove
Crystal Lake
Crystal Lake (Alturas)
Crystal Lake (Clermont)
Crystal Lake (Eloise)
Crystal Lake (Gum Lake)
Crystal Lake (Lake Wales)
Crystal Lake (Lakeland)
Crystal Lake (Leesburg)
Crystal Lake (Pine Lakes)
Crystal Lake (Winter Haven)
Crystal River
Crystal Spring
Crystal Springs FMA
Cub Lake
Cuba Branch
Cuban Branch
Cubberly Pond
Cudjoe Basin
Cudjoe Bay
Cudjoe Channel
Cue Lake
Culbreath Bayou
Cumbee Drain
Cumberland Sound
Cunningham Creek
Cuno Creek
Curiosity Creek (Palmetto)
Curiosity Creek (Sulphur Springs)
Curlew Creek
Curry Creek
Curry Lake
Curve Lake
Cushing Creek
Cushion Creek
Custer Bayou
Cut Creek
Cut Off Creek
Cuthbert Lake
Cutler Channel
Cutler Drain Canal C-100A
Cutler Drain Canal C-100B
Cutler Drain Canal Number C-100
Cutler Drain Canal Number C-100 A
Cutler Drain Canal Number C-100 C
Cypress Branch
Cypress Cove
Cypress Creek
Cypress Creek (Beacon Hill)
Cypress Creek (Lutz)
Cypress Creek (White City)
Cypress Creek (Wimauma)
Cypress Creek Canal
Cypress Creek South
Cypress Lake
Cypress Pond
Cypress Pond (Miller's Ferry)
Cypress Pond (Redbay)
Cypress Pond (Vernon)
Cypress Pond Branch
Cypress River
Cypress Slough
Cypress Strand
Daddy Hole
Dade Lake
Dads Bay
Dague Lake
Daisy Creek
Dallas Pond
Dallis Waterhole
Dallus Creek
Dames Point Fulton Cutoff
Dan George Lake
Dan May Creek
Danforth Creek
Dania Cut-Off Canal
Dania Town Canal
Daniel Springs
Daniels Branch
Danley Branch
Danley Lake
Danley Pond
Danny Hole
Daque Lake
Darkwater Lake
Daugherty Branch
Daughtrey Creek
Daughtry Bayou
Dave Branch
Dave McCloud Pond
Davenport Bayou
Davenport Creek
Davis Branch
Davis Cove
Davis Lake
Davis Mill Creek
Davis Pond
Davis Pond (SE Rogers Sink Rd)
Davis Pond (SW Captain Brown Rd)
Dawkins Pond
Dawson Canal
Dawson Lake
Days Branch
Deacon Lake
Deacon Pond
Dead Boy Creek
Dead Cypress Lake
Dead End Creek
Dead Lake
Dead Lakes
Dead River
Dead River Lake
Deadfall Creek
Deadman Bay
Deadmans Branch
Deadmans Channel
Dean Creek
Dean Pond
Deason Branch
DeBarry Creek
Deep Bottom Creek
Deep Branch
Deep Creek
Deep Creek (Daytona Beach)
Deep Creek (Lake Dias)
Deep Creek Diversion Canal
Deep Edge Lake
Deep Edge Pond
Deep Hole
Deep Lagoon
Deep Lake
Deer Back Lake
Deer Creek
Deer Fence Canal
Deer Lake
Deer Lake (Lady Lake)
Deer Lake (Pine Lakes)
Deer Point Lake
Deer Pond
Deer Prairie Creek
Deer Prairie Slough
Deer Springs Lake
Deerfly Bay
Deerhaven Lake
Deering Channel
Deerland Branch
Deertown Gully
Deese Creek
DeForest Lake
Delaney Creek
Delaney River
Demory Creek
Demory Gap
Dempsey Lake
Denham Bayou
Dennis Creek
Dents Channel
Depew Creek
Depot Creek
Derrick Key Gap
Deseret Ranch
Deserter Creek
Desoto Lakes
Destin Harbor
Deurell Pond
Devall Branch
Devils Branch
Devils Clay Hole
Devils Den Creek
Devils Elbow
Devils Mill Hopper
Devils Slack Tub
Devils Wash Basin
Devon Creek
Dewdrop Pool
Dial Pond
Diamond Creek
Diana Lake
Dick Creek
Dick Lake
Dickerman Cut
Dickerson Bay
Dicks Lake
Dickson Bay
Dillaberry Branch
Dillard Pond
Dilly Lake
Dinken Bayou
Dinner Key Channel
Dinner Lake
Dinner Lake (Bartow)
Dinner Lake (Lake Wales)
Dinner Pond
Dinners Pond
Dip Vat Branch
Dismal Creek
Dismal Key Pass
Dispatch Creek
Disston Canal
Ditch Branch
Ditch Pond (Gap Lake)
Ditch Pond (Vernon)
Ditch Pond Branch
Divedapper Creek
Diversion Canal
Dixie Bay
Dixie Branch
Dixie Lake
Dixon Creek
Dixon Lake
Dixon Wasteway
Dobes Hole
Dobson Pond
Doctors Arm
Doctors Inlet
Doctors Lake
Doctors Pass
Doe Branch
Doe Lake
Doe Pond
Doe Pond (Farles Lake)
Doe Pond (Williston)
Dog Branch
Dog Canal
Dog Creek
Dog Ear Lake
Dog Hole
Dog Lake
Dog Pond
Dog Pond Clear Lake
Doghole Basin
Dogwood Branch
Dogwood Head Branch
Dollar Bay
Dollar Lake
Dollar Pond
Dolly Bay
Dolly Lakes
Dolphin Creek
Dona Bay
Donald Peeples Pond
Dons Bayou
Doorshutter Creek
Doorshutter Lake
Dora Canal
Doral Glades FMA
Dorman Branch
Dorman Pond
Dorset Creek
Dorset Lake
Dosson Lake
Double Barrel Creek
Double Bayou
Double Bluff Lake
Double Branch
Double Branch Bay
Double Branch Pond
Double Branches
Double Hammock Creek
Double Head Branch
Double Pit Pond
Double Pond
Double Pond (Glendale)
Double Pond (Prosperity)
Double Pond Branch
Double Ponds
Double Run Creek
Double Sink
Douglas Slough
Dove Sound
Dover District Park FMA
Dowdy Pond
Dowling Lake
Downing Lake
Doyle Bayou
Doyle Creek
Dozier Lake
Drag Line Pond
Dram Branch
Draper Lake
Drawdy Pond
Dream Lake
Dream Pond
Drifton Branch
Driver Branch
Droty Spring
Drudy Lake
Druid Lake
Drummond Creek
Drummond Creek Range
Drummond Pond
Dry Branch
Dry Branch (Darlington)
Dry Branch (Fidelis)
Dry Branch (Gaskin)
Dry Branch (Milton)
Dry Creek
Dry Ford Branch
Dry Lake
Dry Pond
Dry Run
Dryman Bay
Duck Creek
Duck Key Channel
Duck Lake
Duck Pond
Duck Pond (Hildreth)
Duck Pond (Lake Mary)
Duck Pond (Newberry SW)
Duck Pond (Williston)
Duck Pond Branch
Duck Puddles
Duck Rock Cove
Duck Slough
Duckroost Cove
Duckwater Branch
Dudes Lake
Duff Lake
Dug Creek
Dugan Pond
Dukes Lake
Dumfoundling Bay
Dummit Cove
Dunedin Channel
Dunedin Pass
Dunford Lake
Dunham Branch
Dunn Branch
Dunn Creek
Dunns Creek
Dupont Lake
Dupree Lake
Durbin Creek
Durwood Owens Pond
Duval Branch
Duval Pond
Dwarf Lake
Dyches Lake
Dykes Branch
Dykes Mill Pond
E C Younghood Pond
E H Myers Pond
E-1 Canal
E-4 Canal
E-4 Canal System
Eagle Bay
Eagle Creek
Eagle Harbor
Eagle Key Pass
Eagle Lake
Eagle Nest
Eagle Nest Bayou
Eagle Nest Pond
Eagle Pond
Eaglenest Creek
Early Branch
Earman River
Earnest Mill Creek
Earnest Owen Pond
East Bahia Honda Channel
East Baker Canal
East Basin
East Bay
East Bay Channel
East Bay River
East Bayou
East Branch Coral Creek
East Branch Fourmile Creek
East Branch Mare Creek
East Branch Pine Log Creek
East Branch Sopchoppy River
East Branch Troublesome Creek
East Canal
East Cape Canal
East Channel
East Conrad Creek
East Coral Lake
East Cove
East Creek
East Crooked Lake
East Cutoff
East Cutoff Creek
East Dog Creek
East Easy Canal
East Fork Big Coldwater Creek
East Fork Juniper Creek
East Fork Manatee River
East Fork Panther Creek
East Fork Syfrett Creek
East Fork Tenmile Swamp
East Fox Lake
East Goose Creek
East Griffin Creek
East Harbor Key Channel
East Hole
East Holloway Canal
East Lake
East Lake (Clermont)
East Lake (Umatilla)
East Lake Ellis
East Lake Tohopekaliga
East Marco Bay
East Minnow Branch
East Pass
East Pass (Waccasassa Bay)
East Pepper Creek
East Pittman Creek
East Prong Bear Creek
East Prong Pollywog Creek
East River
East River Cut Off
East River Pool
East Rocky Creek
East Run Cracker Branch
Eastern Lake
Eaton Creek
Eau Gallie River
Echo Lake
Econfina Creek
Econfina River
Econlockhatchee River
Eden Lake
Edgewood Lake
Edward Medard Reservoir
Edward Spring Branch
Edwards Creek
Edwards Lake
Egans Creek
Egmont Channel
Egypt Lake
Eightmile Creek
Eightmile Pond
Eightmile Slough
El Rio Canal
El Verde Yacht Basin
Elbow Branch
Elbow Creek
Elbow Pond
Elder Branch
Eleven Ponds
Eleven Prong
Elevenmile Creek
Elizabeth Lake
Ella Lake
Elliott Key Harbor
Ellis Branch
Ellis Creek
Ellis Lake
Ellis Pond
Elsie Lake
Elwood Branch
Emerald Lake
Emma Lee Pond
Emmons Bayou
Enchanted Lake
Endless Lake
Engineers Lake
Engle Lake
English Branch
English Creek
English Lake
English Navy Cove
Enslow Lake
Entrada Channel
Entrance Channel
Equaloxic Creek
Equus Meadow Pond
Ericson Creek
Erie Lake
Erwin Cove
Escambia Bay
Escambia River
Estero Bay
Estero Pass
Estero River
Etonia Creek
Evans Creek
Evans Lake
Evans Pond
Evans Prairie
Everett Camp Lake
Everglades Channel
Everglades Water Conservation Areas
Evers Reservoir
Exline Creek
F J Betts Pond
Faber Cove
Factory Bay
Faircloth Lakes
Fairview Lake
Fairway Lake
Fairy Lake
Faka Union Bay
Faka Union Canal
Faka Union River
Fakahatchee Bay
Fakahatchee Pass
Fakahatchee River
Fakahatchee Strand Preserve State Park
Fallen Branch
Falling Branch
Falling Creek (Waldrons Landing)
Falling Creek (White Springs East)
Falmouth Spring
Fannin Bayou
Fanning Branch
Fanning Springs
Fanny Lake
Farles Lake
Farley Creek
Farm 13/Stick Marsh
Farmdale Bayou
Faulk Canal
Fawlers Prairie
Faye Lake
Featherbed Bay
Feinsinger Lake
Fells Cove
Fellsmere Reservoir/Headwaters/Egan Lake
Felton Lake
Fenholloway River
Ferguson Bay
Ferguson Lake
Ferguson Pond
Ferguson River
Fern Creek
Fern Hammock Springs
Fern Lake
Ferrell Branch
Ferry Cutoff
Ferry Pass Bayou
FFT-Coulter Lake
FFT-Haul Road Pit
FFT-Key Lake
FFT-Lake Rotary
FFT-Lake Wildcat
FFT-Orange Blossom Lake
FFT-Pine Lakes East
FFT-Pine Lakes West
FFT-Sandhill Lake
FFT-SP 12 North
FFT-SP 12 South
Fields Branch
Fields Lake
Fieldstone Lake
Fillman Hill Bay
Finger Pond
First Bay
First Branch
First Puncheon Branch
Fischer Lake
Fish Branch
Fish Creek
Fish Creek Bay
Fish House Cove
Fish Lake
Fish Pond
Fish Pond Branch
Fish Prairie
Fish Slough
Fish Trap Bay
Fish Trap Pond
Fishbone Creek
Fisheating Bay
Fisheating Creek
Fisher Branch
Fisher Creek
Fisher Lake
Fishermans Channel
Fishermens Village Yacht Basin
Fishhawk Creek
Fishing Bend
Fishing Creek
Fishpond Branch
Fishtrap Branch
Fitch Branch
Fitzpatrick Creek
Fivemile Creek
Fivemile Gully
Fivemile Lake
Fivemile Pond
FL Scrub Jay Trail
Flag Creek
Flag Pond
Flamingo Canal
Flamingo Lake
Flat Branch
Flat Creek
Flat Lake
Flat Pond
Fleming Creek
Fleming Key Cut
Fletcher Creek
Fletcher Pond
Fletcher Spring
Flint Creek
Flint Pen East
Flint Pen West
Flinthead Lake
Flopbuck Creek
Flora Branch
Flora Lake
Floral City Lake
Florence Cove
Florence Lake
Florid Pond
Florida Bay
Florida City Canal
Florida East Coast
Florida Pond
Florida River
Florida Sink
Flotilla Passage
Flounder Pass
Flower Prairie
Flowers Creek
Flowers Pond
Flowing Well Creek
Flynn Lake
Folks Creek
Foll Lake
Ford Pond
Fords Arm
Fore Lake
Forehand Pond
Forest Lake
Forhan Pond
Forked Creek
Fort Atkinson Lake
Fort Cooper Lake
Fort Crawford Creek
Fort Drum Creek
Fort Gadsden Creek
Fort Kirkland Branch
Fort Pierce Cut
Fort Pierce Inlet Entrance Range
Fort Pierce Inlet Inner Range
Fort Simmons Branch
Forts Bear Hole
Fortune Lake
Forty Acre Bay
Forty Acre Pond
Foshalee Lake
Foster Bay
Foster Burgess Pond
Fountain Lake
Fountain Lake (Veterans Memorial Park)
Four Mile Branch
Four Mile Creek
Four Prong Lake
Four Tree Cut Off
Fourmile Cove
Fourmile Creek
Fourmile Lake
Fourmile Pond
Four-Way Channel
Fowler Branch
Fowlers Lake
Fox Branch
Fox Branch (Niceville)
Fox Branch (Portland)
Fox Canal
Fox Creek
Fox Creek (Altha East)
Fox Creek (Blountstown)
Fox Cut
Fox Head Branch
Fox Lake
Fox Lakes
Fox Pond
Foxworth Mill Creek
Francis Lake
Frank Taucher Reservoir
Franklin Pond
Frazier Creek
Fred Bayou
Freds Lake
Freeman Branch
Freeman Creek
Freeman Springs Branch
Frenchman Creek
Frenchmans Creek
Freshwater Bayou
Freshwater Lake
Friars Cove
Frierson Lakes
Frog Creek
Frog Lake
Fruitland Cove
Frye Canal
Fuller Creek
Fuller Lake
Fundy Bayou
Funks Creek
Futch Cove
Futch Run
Fye Pond
G Creek
G W Sewell Pond
G-15 Canal
Gable Branch
Gadau Lake
Gadsden Park FMA
Gadsen Spring
Gainer Bayou
Gaiter Lake
Galilee Lake
Gallinipper Basin
Gallows Lake
Gamble Creek
Gamble Pond
Game Creek
Game Creek Bay
Gander Creek
Gannet Pond
Gant Lake
Gant Lake Canal
Gap Branch
Gap Creek
Gap Lake
Gar Pond
Garden Cove
Garden Creek
Garden Lake
Garden Pond
Gardner Creek
Gardner Lake
Gardner Run
Garfield Bight
Gargoyle Lake
Garmier Bayou
Garner Branch
Garner Lake
Garnier Creek
Garrett Branch
Garrison Bight
Garrison Bight Channel
Garrison Channel
Gaskin Bay
Gaskin Branch
Gasparilla Pass
Gasparilla Sound
Gate Bay
Gates Creek
Gator Bay
Gator Bay Canal
Gator Bone Lake
Gator Branch
Gator Creek
Gator Hole
Gator Lake
Gator Pond
Gator Slough
Gator Slough Canal
Gaynor Pond
Gee Creek
Geiger Creek
Geiger Lake
Gem Bay
Gem Lake
Gemini Springs Run
General Developers Lake
George Ann Lake
George Canal
Georges Lake
Georges Pond
Georges Slough
Georgia Fruit Farm Creek
German Pond
Get Out Creek
Geyer Lake
Ghost Cove
Ghost Creek
Gibbs Pond
Giddings Lake
Giddon Lake
Gifford Cut
Giger Creek
Gilbert Pond
Gilberts Mill Creek
Gill Rattle Creek
Gilley Creek
Gillis Pond
Gilly Lakes
Gilshey Branch
Gin Branch
Gin House Lake
Gin House Pond
Gin Lake
Ginhouse Branch
Ginhouse Creek
Ginhouse Pond
Ginnie Spring
Gizzard Lake
Glades Canal
Glass Lake
Glenn Branch
Glenvar Lake
Glisson Pond
Glory Hole
Glover Bight
Goat Creek
Gobbler Lake
Goddard Creek
Godfrey Creek
Godwin Branch
Goff Branch
Goggle-Eye Lake
Goggleye Lake
Gohegan Millpond
Gold Head Branch
Gold Lake
Golden Gate Canal
Golden Isles Lake
Golden Lake
Goldfish Creek
Golf Course Pond
Golf Lake
Gomez Creek
Gonzalez Lake
Goodbys Creek
Goodbys Lake
Goodland Bay
Goodson Creek
Goodwin Creek
Goose Bayou
Goose Branch
Goose Creek
Goose Creek Bay
Goose Lake
Goose Pond
Gooseneck Lake
Gooseneck Pass
Gopher Creek
Gopher Gully
Gopher Key Bay
Gopher River
Gordon Pass
Gordon Pond
Gordon River
Gore Branch
Gore Lake
Gornto Lake
Goshum Branch
Gosman Pond
Gottfried Creek
Gourd Bay
Gourd Lake
Gourd Neck
Government Cut
Government Dead Lake
Governor Hill Lake
Governors Bayou
Governors Creek
Grace Lake
Grady Pond
Graham Creek
Grand Canal
Grand Lagoon
Grand Lagoon Channel
Grandaddy Branch
Granny Cove
Grape Head Branch
Grapeyard Creek
Grass Creek
Grass Inlet
Grass Lake
Grass Lake (Gum Lake)
Grass Lake (Winter Haven)
Grass Pond
Grass Pond (Archer)
Grass Pond (Micanopy)
Grassy Bay
Grassy Branch
Grassy Cove
Grassy Creek
Grassy Creek (Grave Island Camp)
Grassy Lake
Grassy Lake (Alturas)
Grassy Lake (Bartow)
Grassy Lake (Gum Lake)
Grassy Pond
Grassy Prairie
Graves Creek
Graveyard Branch
Graveyard Creek
Graveyard Lake
Graveyard Pond
Gray Sink
Grear Hope Pond
Great Pocket
Green Bay
Green Branch
Green Branch (Harold)
Green Branch (Spring Hill)
Green Head Branch
Green Lake
Green Pond
Green Ponds
Greenback Lake (Dead Lakes)
Greenback Lake (Orange)
Greenfield Creek
Greenhead Branch
Greenleaf Bay
Greens Bayou
Greens Bear Hole
Greens Creek
Greens Waterhole
Gregory Mill Creek
Grey Mare Pass
Greyknoll Lake
Griffin Branch
Griffin Mill Pond
Griffis Bay
Griffith Ferry Stretch
Grimes Lake
Grimsley Cove
Grisset Pond
Grissom Hole
Griswold Pond
Grog Branch
Grogan Lake
Grooms Creek
Groover Branch
Guana River
Guano Lake
Guaranto Spring
Guardhouse Branch
Gude Branch
Guest Lake
Guinea Creek
Gulf County Canal
Gulley Branch
Gullivan Bay
Gully Branch
Gully Branch (Keysville)
Gully Branch (Wimauma)
Gully Creek
Gully Lake
Gum Branch
Gum Creek
Gum Creek (Bonifay)
Gum Creek (Darlington)
Gum Creek (Graceville)
Gum Creek (Hinson's Crossroads)
Gum Creek (Spencer Flats)
Gum Lake
Gum Pond
Gum Pond (Miccosukee)
Gum Pond (Tallahassee)
Gum Slough
Gum Slough (Lake Panasoffkee)
Gum Slough (Saint Catherine)
Gum Springs
Gum Springs Branch
Gum Swamp Branch
Gum Swamp Creek
Gun Branch
Gunn Creek
Gunstock Branch
Gustaf Bay
Guy Branch
Gwen Lake
Gyte Chester Pond
H H Swisher Pond
H M Spooner Pond
Hack Lake
Hagens Cove
Haldeman Creek
Half Creek
Half Moon Lake
Half Moon Pond
Half Open Pond
Halfmoon Lake
Halford Lake
Halfway Creek
Halfway Lake
Halfway Pond
Halifax Canal
Halifax River
Hall Bay
Hall Branch
Hall Creek
Hall Lake
Hall Pond
Halloway Bayou
Hallowes Cove
Halls Branch
Halls River
Halpatiokee Lake
Ham Pond
Hamilton Branch
Hamilton Lake
Hamlin Lake
Hamlin Pond
Hammock Branch
Hammock Branch (Bostick)
Hammock Branch (San Mateo)
Hammock Creek
Hammock Lake
Hammock Pond
Hammock Sink
Hammond Lake
Hampton Branch
Hampton Lake
Hancock Creek
Hancock Lake
Hand Branch
Hand Cove
Handcock Lake
Hankins Pond
Hankins Sink Pond
Hankley Lake
Hanna Lake
Hanna Park FMA
Hannah Branch
Hannas Millpond
Hanno Mill Pond
Hansford Branch
Hanson Grant Outlet
Happy Creek
Happy Reach
Harbor Channel
Harbor Lake
Hard Labor Creek
Hardee County Lake 1
Hardee County Lake 2
Hardee County Lake 3
Hardee County Lake 4
Harden Creek
Hardesty Lake
Hardworking Bayou
Hardy Sink
Hare Lake
Harlow Branch
Harney Pond Canal
Harney River
Harold Pond
Harolds Pond
Harper Lake
Harrell Branch
Harris Channel
Harris Creek
Harris Gap Channel
Harris Pond
Harrison Bayou
Harrison Creek
Harrison Lake
Harrison Road Creek
Harrys Creek
Hart Branch
Hart Lake
Hart Pond
Hart Springs
Harts Lake
Harvest Lake
Harvey Creek
Harvey Prong
Hasenjaeger Lake
Hatchet Creek
Hatchett Creek
Hatchineha Canal
Hathaway Mill Creek
Haulover Canal
Haulover Creek
Haven Winquipin
Haverhill Lake
Haw Branch
Haw Creek
Hawk Channel
Hawk Lake
Hawkins Creek
Hawthorne Creek
Hay Lake
Hay Pond
Hayes Bayou
Hayes Sink
Haynes Creek
Hays Spring Run
Haywood Pond
Hazelwood Pond
Head Cove
Head Cove Pocket
Header Canal
Headquarters Pond
Heath Pond
Hedges Pond
Heidelberg Branch
Heilbronn Spring
Heiniger Lake
Helena Run
Heley Lake
Hell Bays
Hell Gate
Hells Bay
Hells Gate
Hells Half Acre
Hells Pocket
Helms Branch
Helverson Creek
Henderson Branch
Henderson Pond
Henderson River
Hendon Lake
Hendrics Lake
Hendry Creek
Henley Canal
Henry Creek
Henry Dover Pond
Henry Lake
Henry Lee Pond
Henry Prescott Pond
Henry Schacht Lake
Herman Bay
Heron Lagoon
Hester Lake
Hettie Pond
Hewett Bayou
Hewett Head
Hewitt Lakes
Hickey Branch
Hickey Creek
Hickey Creek Canal
Hickory Branch
Hickory Creek
Hickory Hammock Lake
Hickory Head
Hickory Lake
Hickory Pond
Hickory Sink
Hickory Slough
Hickorynut Lake
Hicks Creek
Hicks Lake
Hidden Hollow Lake
Hidden Johnson Creek
Hidden Lake
Hidden Lake (Dade City)
Hidden Lake (Port Richey)
Higginbotham Lake
High Bluff Creek
High Hill Creek
Highland Lake
Highlog Lake
Hillsboro Bay
Hillsboro Canal
Hillsboro Inlet
Hillsboro River
Hillsborough Bay
Hillsborough Channel
Hillsborough River
Himmershee Canal
Hinden Lake
Hitchcock Lake
Hitchens Creek
Hixon Lake
Hobart Lake
Hobbs Branch
Hobe Sound
Hodges Bayou
Hodges Branch
Hoffman Creek
Hog and Homing Cove
Hog Bay
Hog Branch
Hog Branch Black Creek
Hog Creek
Hog Island Creek
Hog Island Lake
Hog Island Pond
Hog Lake
Hog Pen Branch
Hog Point Cove
Hog Pond
Hogan Pond
Hogans Branch
Hogeye Sink
Hoggs Cove
Hogpen Branch
Hogpen Branch (Blountstown)
Hogpen Branch (Juniper Creek)
Hogpen Creek
Hogpen Pond
Hogtown Bayou
Hogtown Creek
Hogue Channel
Hokey Lake
Holden Lake
Holdens Pond
Hole in the Wall
Hole in the Wall Pass
Holey Land WMA
Holiday Cove
Holland Branch
Holland Pond
Holley Branch
Holley Creek
Holley Pond
Holley Ponds
Holliman Branch
Hollin Creek
Hollis Branch
Hollomans Branch
Holly Creek
Holly Lake
Holly Oaks Lake
Hollywood Harbor
Holman Branch
Holmes Creek
Holton Creek
Holts Lake
Holy Creek
Home Owners Association Pond
Homer Lake
Homestead Canal
Homestead Pond
Hominy Branch
Homosassa Bay
Homosassa River
Homosassa Springs
Honey Branch
Honey Creek
Honey Pond
Honeycut Lake
Honeymoon Lake
Hontoon Dead River
Hood Sand Pond
Hook Lake
Hooker Cove
Hoover Ditch
Hoover Pond
Hopkins Creek
Hopkins Pond
Horn Spring
Horns Creek
Hornsby Spring
Horse Branch
Horse Creek
Horse Creek Prairie
Horse Hole Creek
Horse Island Creek
Horse Lake
Horse Leg Lake
Horse Pond
Horse Ponds
Horseford Branch
Horsehead Creek
Horsehead Pond
Horsehead Run
Horsehead Spring
Horselot Pond
Horseshoe Bayou
Horseshoe Branch
Horseshoe Cove
Horseshoe Creek
Horseshoe Lake
Horseshoe Lake (Lake Carlton)
Horseshoe Mud Lake
Horseshoe Pond
Hosford Branch
Hospital Creek
Hostage Branch
Hour Glass Lake
Hourglass Lake
House Ditch
House Hammock Bay
Houseboat Cut
How Canal
Howard Creek
Howard Lake
Howard Prairie Branch
Howard Swamp
Howell Branch
Howell Creek
Hubbard Branch
Hubbard Creek
Hubbard Pond
Hubbert Branch
Hubert Bell Pond
Huckaby Creek
Huckleberry Creek
Huckleberry Lake
Hudson Branch
Hudson Creek
Hudson Lake (Port Richey)
Hudson Lake (San Antonio)
Hudson Pond
Huey Branch
Huggle Pond
Hughes Creek
Hughes Ditch (Ponce de Leon)
Hughes Ditch (Redbay)
Hughes Pond
Huguenot FMA
Huguenot Lagoon
Hulett Branch
Hulls Creek
Hungerford Lake
Hungryland Gate 2 Canal
Hungryland Main Canal
Hungryland Slough Canal
Hungryland Wildlife and Environmental Area
Hunt Pond
Hunter Branch
Hunter Creek
Hunter Pass
Hunters Lake
Hurrah Creek
Hurrah Lake
Hurricane Bay
Hurricane Branch
Hurricane Creek
Hurricane Harbor
Hurricane Lake
Hurricane Pass
Hurst Branch
Huston Bay
Huston Cove
Huston River
Hutson Pond
Hutto Lake
Hutto Pond
Hydrilla Lake
Hynote Branch
Iamonia Lake
Ibis Cove
Ice Cream Slough
Ice Pond
Ichetucknee River
Ichetucknee Springs
Imperial River
Inconstantion Creek
Indian Bay
Indian Bayou
Indian Branch
Indian Camp Creek
Indian Camp Sink
Indian Creek
Indian Creek Lake
Indian Key Anchorage
Indian Key Channel
Indian Key Pass
Indian Lagoon
Indian Lake
Indian Pass
Indian Pond
Indian Prairie
Indian Prairie Canal
Indian River
Indian River Lagoon
Indian River Narrows
Indian River North
Indianhouse Lake
Indigo Branch
Indigo Creek
Indigo Pond
Ingram Creek
Inlet Creek
Inlet Harbor
Inner Clam Bay
Inner Doctors Bay
Inner Harbor Channel
Inner Narrows
Inside Lake
Interceptor Canal
Interlocking Lakes
Intracoastal Waterway
Iola Lake
Iona Cove
Iron Spring
Ironwood Channel
Irvin Lake
Irwin Creek
Irwin Mill Creek
Island Branch
Island Creek
Island Ford Lake
Island Lake
Island Lake (Eureka Dam)
Island Lake (Lake Louisa)
Island Lake (Lake Mary)
Island Lake (Umatilla)
Island Pond
Island Ponds
Island Prairie Pond
Istokpoga Canal
Istokpoga Creek
Itchepackesassa Creek
Ivy Stag Lake
Ixlater Lake
J C Headley Pond
J Frank Smith Pond
J H Miller Junior Pond
J M Wise Pond
J R Alford Pond
J T Budd Pond
Jack Bay
Jack Branch (Crestview North)
Jack Branch (Laurel Hill)
Jack Channel
Jack Creek
Jack Davis Cut
Jack Lake
Jack Pond
Jacks Boat Basin
Jacks Branch
Jacks Creek
Jacks Hole
Jacks Lake
Jackson Branch
Jackson Canal
Jackson Creek
Jackson Pond
Jackson River
Jackson Spring
Jackson Springs Branch
Jacksons Bay
Jacob Branch
Jacobs Creek
Jake Hole
Jake White Pond
Jakes Bayou
James Lake
James Thomas Pond
Jandrew Cove
Jane Green Creek
Jane Pond
Jeb Knight Pond
Jeffs Cowpen Creek
Jenkins Creek
Jenkins Pond
Jennings Cove
Jennings Lake
Jergans Lake
Jericho Pond
Jernigan Dead River
Jernigan Lake
Jerry Branch
Jerry Lake
Jessamine Lake
Jewel Lake
Jewfish Basin
Jewfish Channel
Jewfish Hole
Jim Branch
Jim Creek
Jim Green Creek
Jim Lee Creek
Jim Long Lake
Jim Pond
Jimmie Channel
Jock Pond
Joe Bay
Joe Kemp Channel
Joe Lamb Branch
Joe River
Joe Slough
Joel Branch
Joes Bayou
Joes Cove
Joes Lake
Johannah Lake
John Bayou
John Branch
John C Pace Pond One
John C Pace Pond Two
John Henry Slough
John Pond
John Quiet Lakes
John Stafford Pond One
John Stafford Pond Two
Johns Cove
Johns Creek
Johns Island Creek
Johns Lake
Johns Pass
Johns Pond
Johnson Bay
Johnson Bayou (Panama City)
Johnson Bayou (Southport)
Johnson Branch
Johnson Creek
Johnson Lake
Johnson Mill Branch
Johnson Pond
Johnson Sink
Johnson Snapper Hole
Johnsontown Bayou
Johnston Key Channel
Joiner Lake
Jolly Bay
Jolly River
Jones Bayou
Jones Branch
Jones Cove
Jones Creek
Jones Lagoon
Jones Lake
Jones Mill Creek
Jones Pond
Jones Rice Mill Branch
Joppa Lake
Jordan Lake
Josephine Creek
Josey Branch
Joshua Creek
Joyce Branch
Jude Pond
Judy Lake
Jug Lake
Julian Mill Creek
Julington Creek
July Lake
July Spring
Jump Creek
Jump Pass
Jumper Creek
Jumper Creek Canal
Jumper Lake
Jumping Gully
Jumping Gully Creek
June Pond
Jungle Bay
Jungle Lake
Junior Lake
Juniper Branch
Juniper Creek
Juniper Creek (Crestview South)
Juniper Creek (Laurel Hill)
Juniper Lake
Juniper Springs
Jupiter Sound
Kaiser Lake
Kansas Sweetwater Canal
Kapes Bayou
Karen Canal
Karick Lake
Karney Lake
Keen Branch
Keene Lake
Kees Bayou
Kelley Branch
Kelly Branch
Kelly Creek
Kelly Creek (Chiefland)
Kelly Creek (Yankeetown)
Kelly Spring Branch
Kellys Pond
Kemmons Pond
Kemp Channel
Kendale Lake
Kendall Lake
Kendrick Pond
Kennedy Branch
Kennedy Creek
Kennedy Slough
Kent Mill Lake
Kentucky Branch
Kentucky Lake
Kepner Pond
Kersey Branch
Kesson Bayou
Kettle Creek
Kettle Harbor
Key Pond
Key Vaca Cut
Key West Bight
Keystone Lake
Kid Creek
Kid Pond
Kimball Lake
King Branch
King Canal
King Creek
King Lake
King Lake (Lutz)
King Lake (San Antonio)
King Pond
Kings Bay
Kings Creek
Kings Lake
Kingsley Creek
Kingsley Lake
Kinzie Cove
Kirkland Lake
Kiser Branch
Kissimmee River
Kit Hole
Kitchen Branch
Kitchen Cove
Kitchen Cow House Pond
Kitching Cove
Kitching Creek
Klosterman Bayou
Knee Deep Lake
Knight Key Channel
Knight Lake
Knight Pass
Knighting Lake
Knowles Pond
Kohler Bayou
Kolmetz Pond
Krueger Creek
L Bowden Creek
L Pond
L-1 Canal
L-2 Canal
L-29 Canal
L-35A Canal
L-36 Canal
L-40 Canal
L-5 Canal
L-6 Canal
L-65 Canal
L-7 Canal
L-8 Canal
Ladle Lake
Lady Creek
Lady Lake
Ladyfinger Lake
Ladys-Slipper Lake
Lafayette Creek
Lago Lindo
Lago Maggiore
Lago Minore
Lago Monaco
Lagoon Lake
LaGrange Bayou
Laird Bayou
Laird Mill Creek
Lak-A-Ana Lake
Lake Ada
Lake Adair
Lake Addah
Lake Adelaide
Lake Agnes
Lake Akron
Lake Alaqua
Lake Alcyone
Lake Alden
Lake Alfred
Lake Alice
Lake All Bright
Lake Allen
Lake Alma
Lake Alpharetta
Lake Alta
Lake Altamaha
Lake Alto
Lake Amoret
Lake Amos
Lake Anderson
Lake Angelo
Lake Ann
Lake Anna Marie
Lake Annabelle Reed
Lake Anne
Lake Annette
Lake Annie
Lake Anoka
Lake Apopka
Lake Apthorp
Lake Arbuckle
Lake Arcola
Lake Ariana
Lake Arietta
Lake Arlie
Lake Armistead
Lake Arnold
Lake Arrowhead
Lake Arthur
Lake Artillery
Lake Asbury
Lake Ashby
Lake Ashby Canal
Lake Ashby Creek
Lake Ashton
Lake Audie
Lake Audrey
Lake Aurora
Lake Austin
Lake Avaco
Lake Avalon
Lake Azalea
Lake Baldwin
Lake Barbara
Lake Barber
Lake Barco
Lake Barlow
Lake Barton
Lake Beauclair
Lake Beauty
Lake Bedford
Lake Beggs
Lake Belamy
Lake Bell
Lake Belle
Lake Bellevue
Lake Belmar
Lake Bennet
Lake Bentley
Lake Beresford
Lake Berge
Lake Bernadette
Lake Berry
Lake Bertha
Lake Bess
Lake Bessie
Lake Bessiola
Lake Bethel
Lake Betty
Lake Beulah
Lake Beulah (Bartow)
Lake Beulah (Lakeland)
Lake Bingham
Lake Blanche
Lake Blanchester
Lake Blue
Lake Boca Raton
Lake Bonita
Lake Bonnet
Lake Bonny
Lake Boomerang
Lake Bowles
Lake Bowling
Lake Bracy
Lake Bradford
Lake Branch
Lake Brantley
Lake Brentwood
Lake Bright
Lake Britt
Lake Brooker
Lake Brooklyn
Lake Brooks
Lake Broward
Lake Brown
Lake Bryan
Lake Bryant
Lake Buchanan
Lake Buckeye
Lake Buckhorn
Lake Buffum
Lake Bundy
Lake Burbank
Lake Burkett
Lake Burns
Lake Butler
Lake Butler Creek
Lake Buynak
Lake Byrd
Lake Byron
Lake Cain
Lake Calm
Lake Cameron
Lake Camp
Lake Cannon
Lake Carlton
Lake Carol
Lake Caroline
Lake Carrie
Lake Carroll
Lake Carter
Lake Cassidy
Lake Catalina (Opa-locka)
Lake Catalina (South Miami)
Lake Catherine
Lake Catherine (Barkwater Dr)
Lake Catherine (Lake Catherine Dr)
Lake Cathy
Lake Cay Dee
Lake Cayuga
Lake Cecile
Lake Center
Lake Chapin
Lake Charity
Lake Charles
Lake Charlotte
Lake Charm
Lake Chasco
Lake Chase
Lake Chautauqua (Dunedin)
Lake Chautauqua (Oldsmar)
Lake Chekika
Lake Chelton
Lake Cherokee
Lake Chilton
Lake Chipco
Lake Chipley
Lake Chloe
Lake Citrus
Lake Claire
Lake Clara
Lake Clarke
Lake Claudette
Lake Clay
Lake Clearwater
Lake Clifton
Lake Clinch
Lake Clough
Lake Clyde
Lake Colby
Lake Coma
Lake Como
Lake Concord
Lake Cone
Lake Confusion
Lake Conine
Lake Conley
Lake Conlin
Lake Connie
Lake Conway
Lake Cooley
Lake Cooper
Lake Copeland
Lake Cora
Lake Cora Lee
Lake Coroni
Lake Corrine
Lake Cortez
Lake Crago
Lake Crenshaw
Lake Crescent
Lake Crews
Lake Crosby
Lake Crowell
Lake Crystal
Lake Cummings
Lake Daisy
Lake Dale Branch
Lake Dalhousie
Lake Damon
Lake Dan
Lake Daugharty
Lake Davenport (Davenport)
Lake Davenport (Lake Louisa)
Lake David
Lake Davis
Lake Davis (Cherokee Park)
Lake Davis (N Orange Blossom Trl)
Lake Daytona
Lake De Soto
Lake Deaton
Lake Deeks
Lake Deer
Lake Deeson
Lake DeFuniak
Lake Delancy
Lake Dell
Lake Denham
Lake Denton
Lake Deon
Lake Desire
Lake Destiny
Lake Dexter
Lake Diamond
Lake Dias
Lake Dicie
Lake Disston
Lake Dixie
Lake Dodd/Todd/Belamy
Lake Don
Lake Dora
Lake Dorr
Lake Dot
Lake Dot (Clermont)
Lake Dot (Eustis)
Lake Dot (Pine Lakes)
Lake Douglas
Lake Down
Lake Downey
Lake Doyle
Lake Drain
Lake Drain Sink
Lake Drawdy
Lake Duval
Lake Earl
Lake Easy
Lake Eaton
Lake Ebby
Lake Echo
Lake Eckles
Lake Eden
Lake Edward
Lake Edwards
Lake Effie
Lake Elbert
Lake Eldorado
Lake Elin
Lake Elizabeth
Lake Ella
Lake Ellen
Lake Ellen (Citrus Park)
Lake Ellen (Sulphur Springs)
Lake Eloise
Lake Elsie
Lake Elza
Lake Emerald
Lake Emily
Lake Emma
Lake Emporia
Lake Ennis
Lake Enola
Lake Eola
Lake Erie
Lake Erin
Lake Estelle
Lake Etowah
Lake Eulalia
Lake Eustis
Lake Eva
Lake Eve (Forest City)
Lake Eve (Lake Jessamine)
Lake Evergreen
Lake Fairview
Lake Fairy
Lake Faith
Lake Fan
Lake Fannie
Lake Fanny
Lake Farrar
Lake Fay
Lake Felter
Lake Fern
Lake Finnely
Lake Five-O
Lake Flamingo
Lake Florence
Lake Florida
Lake Floyd
Lake Fontaine
Lake Formosa
Lake Fox
Lake Frances
Lake Frances (Eustis)
Lake Frances (Umatilla)
Lake Francis
Lake Francis (Apopka)
Lake Francis (Orlando)
Lake Franklin
Lake Fredrica
Lake French
Lake Fretwell
Lake Fuller
Lake Galilee
Lake Galloway
Lake Gandy
Lake Garfield
Lake Gary
Lake Gass
Lake Gatlin
Lake Gear
Lake Gem
Lake Gem (Apopka)
Lake Gem (Orlando)
Lake Gem Mary
Lake Geneva
Lake Geneva (Lady Lake)
Lake Geneva (Umatilla)
Lake Genie
Lake Gentile
Lake Gentry
Lake Geoffrey
Lake George
Lake Georgette
Lake Georgia
Lake Gertie
Lake Gertrude
Lake Gibson
Lake Gifford
Lake Gilbert
Lake Giles
Lake Gleason
Lake Glona
Lake Godwin
Lake Goodson
Lake Gordon (Alturas)
Lake Gordon (Dundee)
Lake Gore
Lake Grace
Lake Gracie
Lake Grandin
Lake Grason
Lake Grassmere
Lake Green Sills
Lake Greenwood
Lake Griffin
Lake Grizelle
Lake Gross
Lake Grove
Lake Gwyn
Lake Haines
Lake Hall
Lake Hamilton
Lake Hammock
Lake Hancock
Lake Harlan
Lake Harney
Lake Harriet
Lake Harris
Lake Harry
Lake Hart
Lake Hart (Auburndale)
Lake Hart (Eloise)
Lake Hartley
Lake Hartridge
Lake Harvey
Lake Hatchineha
Lake Hattie
Lake Hayes
Lake Helen
Lake Helene
Lake Hellen Blazes
Lake Heney
Lake Henry
Lake Henry (Alturas)
Lake Henry (Winter Haven)
Lake Hermosa (Eustis)
Lake Hermosa (Lady lake)
Lake Hernando
Lake Heron
Lake Herrick
Lake Hester
Lake Hialeah
Lake Hiawasee
Lake Hiawatha
Lake Hicpochee
Lake Highland
Lake Hilda
Lake Hill
Lake Hires
Lake Hobbs
Lake Hodge
Lake Holden
Lake Holes
Lake Holes Branch
Lake Hollingsworth
Lake Holloway
Lake Hollywood
Lake Hooker
Lake Hope
Lake Horney
Lake Howard
Lake Howell
Lake Hugh
Lake Hunter
Lake Huntington
Lake Huntley
Lake Hutchinson
Lake Iamonia
Lake Ibis
Lake Ida
Lake Ida (Babson Park)
Lake Ida (W Main St)
Lake Ida (Winter Haven Chain)
Lake Ida Canal
Lake Idamere
Lake Idlewild
Lake Idyl
Lake Idylwild
Lake Illinois
Lake Ina
Lake Indigo
Lake Ingraham
Lake Ingram
Lake Inwood
Lake Iola
Lake Irene
Lake Irish
Lake Irma
Lake Isabell
Lake Isabella
Lake Isis
Lake Issue
Lake Istokpoga
Lake Ivanhoe
Lake Jackson
Lake Jane
Lake Jean
Lake Jeffery
Lake Jeffords
Lake Jem
Lake Jennie
Lake Jennie Jewel
Lake Jessamine
Lake Jessie
Lake Jesup
Lake Jewel
Lake Jo Ann
Lake Joanna
Lake Joanne
Lake Joe
Lake Joel
Lake Johio
Lake John
Lake Johnson
Lake Jordan
Lake Josephine
Lake Joyce
Lake Juanita
Lake Julia
Lake Juliana
Lake Jumper
Lake June in Winter
Lake Juniata
Lake Kanapaha
Lake Karen
Lake Katherine
Lake Kathryn
Lake Kehoe
Lake Kell
Lake Kennedy
Lake Kerr
Lake Kersky
Lake Keuka
Lake Key Pass
Lake Killarney
Lake Kissimmee
Lake Kitty
Lake Knowles
Lake L Rancho
Lake Lachard
Lake Lagonda
Lake Lancaster
Lake Lang
Lake Lapanocia
Lake Lappin
Lake Laura
Lake Laurence East
Lake Laurence West
Lake Lawsona
Lake LeClare
Lake Lee
Lake Lee (Lake Wales)
Lake Lee (Winter Haven)
Lake Lehman
Lake Lelia
Lake Lena
Lake Lenore
Lake Leon
Lake Leonore
Lake Lerla
Lake Letta
Lake Lillian
Lake Lillie
Lake Lily
Lake Lily (Lake Lily Park)
Lake Lincoln
Lake Linda
Lake Linda (Dade City)
Lake Linda (Lutz)
Lake Lindley
Lake Lindsey
Lake Link
Lake Lipsey
Lake Little Sawyer
Lake Little Worth
Lake Livingston
Lake Lizzie
Lake Lockhart
Lake Logan
Lake Loladero
Lake Lona
Lake Lonnie
Lake Loralin
Lake Lorna Doone
Lake Lorraine
Lake Lotela
Lake Lotta
Lake Lotus (434)
Lake Lotus (S Ronald Reagan Blvd)
Lake Lotus (Sandspur Rd)
Lake Lou
Lake Louisa
Lake Louise
Lake Louise (Bithlo)
Lake Louise (Hialeah)
Lake Louise (South Miami)
Lake Louise (Windermere)
Lake Lovely
Lake Lowery
Lake Loyal
Lake Lucas
Lake Lucerne
Lake Lucie
Lake Lucien
Lake Lucille
Lake Lucina
Lake Lucy
Lake Lula
Lake Lulu
Lake Luntz
Lake Lure
Lake Lurna
Lake Luther
Lake Luzom
Lake Lynne
Lake Mabel
Lake Mac
Lake Mack
Lake Macy
Lake Madeline
Lake Madge
Lake Magdalene
Lake Maggie
Lake Maggiore
Lake Mahar
Lake Maitland
Lake Maltbie
Lake Mamie
Lake Manatee
Lake Mangonia
Lake Mann
Lake Manning
Lake Marae
Lake Marden
Lake Margaret
Lake Margaretta
Lake Margate
Lake Margie
Lake Maria
Lake Mariam
Lake Marian
Lake Mariana
Lake Marie
Lake Marietta
Lake Marion
Lake Marion Creek
Lake Markham
Lake Marlon
Lake Martha
Lake Martin
Lake Mary
Lake Mary Jane
Lake Mattie
Lake Maude
Lake May
Lake Maynard
Lake McBride
Lake McCoy
Lake McDade
Lake McLeod
Lake Meadow
Lake Medora
Lake Melrose
Lake Melton
Lake Melva
Lake Mendsen
Lake Menzie
Lake Merril
Lake Merritt
Lake Miccosukee
Lake Midget
Lake Millbite
Lake Mills
Lake Minnehaha
Lake Minneola
Lake Minnie
Lake Minniola
Lake Minore
Lake Miona
Lake Mira
Lake Mirror (Lakeland)
Lake Mirror (Winter Haven)
Lake Mitchell
Lake Mize
Lake Mizell
Lake Mobile
Lake Molly
Lake Monkey Business
Lake Monroe
Lake Montgomery (Hamburg)
Lake Moody
Lake Moore
Lake Morality
Lake Morton
Lake Munson
Lake Murphy
Lake Myakka
Lake Myra
Lake Myrtle
Lake Mystic
Lake Nally
Lake Nan
Lake Narcissus
Lake Nash
Lake Needham
Lake Nellie
Lake Nellie Northwest
Lake Nellie Southeast
Lake Neptune
Lake Nettie
Lake New Ryan
Lake Newark
Lake Newman
Lake Nixon
Lake Nona
Lake Norris
Lake North Talmadge
Lake Number Five
Lake Oakland
Lake Octahatechee
Lake Odom
Lake of the Woods
Lake Okahumpka
Lake Okeechobee
Lake Okeechobee Rim Canal
Lake Ola
Lake Oleo
Lake Olive
Lake Oliver
Lake Olivia
Lake Olympia
Lake Omega
Lake Onora
Lake Opal
Lake Operation
Lake Orange
Lake Orienta
Lake Orlando
Lake Osborne
Lake Osceola
Lake Otis
Lake Otting
Lake Overstreet
Lake Overstreet (Orlando)
Lake Overstreet (Windermere)
Lake Owen
Lake Palatlakaha
Lake Palm
Lake Palmer
Lake Palmerito
Lake Pamela
Lake Panasoffkee
Lake Pancoast
Lake Pansy
Lake Park
Lake Parker
Lake Parker (Old Bartow Rd)
Lake Pasadena
Lake Patient
Lake Patricia
Lake Paxton
Lake Pearl
Lake Pearl (Orlando)
Lake Pearl (Winter Garden)
Lake Pembroke
Lake Pendarvis
Lake Phillips
Lake Pickett
Lake Pierce
Lake Pierson
Lake Pinelock
Lake Pinto
Lake Placid
Lake Pleasant
Lake Poinsett
Lake Pollock
Lake Ponte Vedra
Lake Porter
Lake Prairie
Lake Preston
Lake Price
Lake Proctor
Lake Purdom
Lake Pythias
Lake Raleigh
Lake Rayonier One
Lake Rayonier Two
Lake Reams
Lake Reaves
Lake Reed
Lake Reeser
Lake Rey
Lake Rhea
Lake Ring
Lake Roberta
Lake Roberts
Lake Robin Hood
Lake Rochelle
Lake Roger
Lake Rogers
Lake Roper
Lake Rosa
Lake Rosalie
Lake Rose (Forest City)
Lake Rose (Winter Garden)
Lake Rouse
Lake Rousseau
Lake Rowan
Lake Rowell
Lake Rowena
Lake Roy
Lake Ruby
Lake Runnymede
Lake Russell
Lake Ruth
Lake Ruth (Bartow)
Lake Ruth (Dundee)
Lake Rutherford
Lake Sable
Lake Saint Charles
Lake Sampson
Lake Sanitary
Lake Sapphire
Lake Sara
Lake Sarah
Lake Sarasota
Lake Sard
Lake Saunders
Lake Sawyer
Lake Searcy
Lake Sebring
Lake Seminary
Lake Seminole
Lake Semmes
Lake Senac
Lake Seneca
Lake Sentinel
Lake Serena
Lake Shadow
Lake Shannon
Lake Sharon
Lake Sharpe
Lake Sheen
Lake Sheffield
Lake Shepherd
Lake Sherwood
Lake Shipp
Lake Shippey
Lake Sidney
Lake Siena
Lake Silver
Lake Simmons
Lake Sims
Lake Sirena
Lake Skull
Lake Slough
Lake Small
Lake Smart
Lake Smith
Lake Somerset
Lake South Talmadge
Lake Spar
Lake Sparkle
Lake Sparling
Lake Speer
Lake Spencer
Lake Sperry
Lake Spier
Lake Stable
Lake Stafford
Lake Stahl
Lake Standish
Lake Stanley
Lake Star
Lake Starr
Lake Steer
Lake Stella
Lake Stemper
Lake Sten
Lake Steven
Lake Stone
Lake Streety
Lake Sue
Lake Suggs
Lake Summit
Lake Sunnyside
Lake Sunshine
Lake Surprise
Lake Susan
Lake Susannah
Lake Swamp
Lake Swatara
Lake Swoope
Lake Sybelia
Lake Sylvan
Lake Sylvia
Lake Tahoe
Lake Tallavana
Lake Talmo
Lake Talquin
Lake Tanner
Lake Tarpon
Lake Tarpon Canal
Lake Tavares
Lake Taylor
Lake Telfer
Lake Tem
Lake Tennessee
Lake Terry
Lake Theresa
Lake Thomas
Lake Thonotosassa
Lake Tibet
Lake Tilden
Lake Tiny
Lake Todd
Lake Tohopekaliga
Lake Tom John
Lake Toni
Lake Tony
Lake Tracy
Lake Trafford
Lake Trask
Lake Tresca
Lake Trowed
Lake Tulane
Lake Tuttle
Lake Tutuola
Lake Tyler
Lake Umatilla
Lake Underhill
Lake Van
Lake Van Vac
Lake Vedra
Lake Venus
Lake Verona
Lake Victor
Lake Victoria
Lake Villa
Lake Viola
Lake Virginia
Lake Vivian
Lake Wade
Lake Wales
Lake Walker
Lake Wami
Lake Ward
Lake Ware
Lake Warren
Lake Wash
Lake Washington
Lake Wastena
Lake Watkins
Lake Waunatta
Lake Wayman
Lake Weader
Lake Webb
Lake Weeks
Lake Weir
Lake Wekiva
Lake Weldona
Lake Weohyakapka (Lake Walk-in-Water)
Lake Weston
Lake Whistler
Lake Whitcomb
Lake Whitney
Lake Wilbar
Lake Wilderness
Lake Wildmere
Lake Wilkins
Lake Willis
Lake Willisara
Lake Wilson
Lake Wimauma
Lake Wimico
Lake Winder
Lake Winnemisett
Lake Winnott
Lake Winona
Lake Winston
Lake Winterset
Lake Winyah
Lake Wire
Lake Witherington
Lake Wood
Lake Woodruff
Lake Woodward
Lake Worrell
Lake Worth
Lake Worth Inlet
Lake Worth Inner Channel
Lake Wyman
Lake Yale
Lake Yarbo
Lake Yvonne
Lake Zephyr
Lamar Lake
Lamps Pond
Lanceford Creek
Lands Lake
Landy Lake
Lane Bay
Lane Cove
Lane Pond
Lane River
Lang Branch
Langford Pond
Langston Branch
Largo Inlet
Largo Sound
Larkin Camp Lake
Larkin Lake
Lassiter Lake
Last Huston Bay
Lathrop Bayou
Laura Lake
Laurence Staff Pond
Lawne Lake
Lawton Branch
Lazy Lake
Lead Pond
Leavins Lake
Ledwith Lake
Lee Branch
Lee Lake
Lee Pond
Lee Sink
Leech Pond
Left Hand Turner River
Legare Anchorage
Lehigh Cement Company Lake
Lehigh Lake
Lehighs Canal
Leitner Creek
Lemkin Creek
Lemon Bay
Lemon Creek
Leroy Ponds
Leslee Lake
Lester Lake
Lettis Creek
Lettuce Creek
Lettuce Lake
Levy Bay
Levy Lake
Lewis Branch
Lewis Creek
Liddy Pond
Lighter Bay
Lighter Bayou
Lighter Knot Creek
Lighter Log Pond
Lighter Snag Creek
Lighthouse Bayou
Lighthouse Pool
Lightwood Knot Creek
Lightwood Knox Canal
Lignumvitae Basin
Lignumvitae Channel
Lilly Creek
Lilly Spring
Lily Lake
Lily Miller Branch
Lily Pond
Lime Sink
Limestone Branch (Hobbs Crossroads)
Limestone Branch (Izagora)
Limestone Creek
Linden Lake
Lindsey Bay
Lindsey Lake
Line Branch
Linton Spring Branch
Lithia Springs
Little Alapaha River
Little Alaqua Creek
Little Alligator Creek
Little Aucilla River
Little Banana Lake
Little Basin
Little Basin Creek
Little Bass Lake
Little Bay
Little Bay Lake
Little Bayou (Dunedin)
Little Bayou (Pass-a-Grille Beach)
Little Bear Creek
Little Bear Lake
Little Black Branch
Little Black Creek
Little Blackwater Sound
Little Blue Lake
Little Blue Pond
Little Blue Spring
Little Bluff Lake
Little Boggy Creek
Little Boiling Creek
Little Bokeelia Bay
Little Bonable Lake
Little Bonnet Lake
Little Boynton Cutoff
Little Branch
Little Branch Beaver Creek
Little Bream Lake
Little Britt Creek
Little Brushy Pond
Little Bullfrog Creek
Little Buttonwood Sound
Little Camel Pond
Little Card Sound
Little Catfish Basin
Little Cedar Bayou
Little Cedar Creek
Little Chaires Creek
Little Charley Bowlegs Creek
Little Charlie Creek
Little Clapboard Creek
Little Clearwater Lake
Little Cockroach Bay
Little Cockroach Rock Pass
Little Cow Creek
Little Creek
Little Creek (Esto)
Little Creek (Holopaw)
Little Creek (Izagora)
Little Creek (Kenansville)
Little Crooked Creek
Little Cypress Creek
Little Deep Branch
Little Deer Lake
Little Denham Bayou
Little Ditch Pond
Little Dolly Bay
Little Double Creek
Little Dram Branch
Little Dry Creek
Little Dunn Creek
Little Econlockhatchee River
Little Ellen Lake
Little Escambia Creek
Little Fish Lake
Little Fishhawk Creek
Little Fishweir Creek
Little Florence Cove
Little Fort Crawford Creek
Little Fox Lake
Little Gant Lake
Little Gar Lake
Little Golf Pond
Little Grassy Bay
Little Grassy Lake
Little Grassy Pond
Little Grooms Creek
Little Gully Creek
Little Gum Creek
Little Gum Lake
Little Halfmoon Lake
Little Hard Labor Creek
Little Harden Creek
Little Hatchet Creek
Little Haw Creek
Little Hell Lake
Little Henderson Lake
Little Henry Lake
Little Hickory Bay
Little Hickory Pass (historical)
Little Hobbs Lake
Little Horse Creek
Little Huckleberry Creek
Little Island Lake
Little Johnson Bayou
Little Jones Creek
Little Juniper Creek
Little Lake
Little Lake Agnes
Little Lake Barton
Little Lake Bryan
Little Lake Bryant
Little Lake Conway
Little Lake Fairview
Little Lake Geneva
Little Lake George
Little Lake Green Sills
Little Lake Hamilton
Little Lake Harris
Little Lake Howell
Little Lake Johnson
Little Lake Jumper
Little Lake Kerr
Little Lake Maule
Little Lake Nellie
Little Lake Weir
Little Lake X
Little Lige Branch
Little Lochloosa Lake
Little Lost Lake
Little Madeira Bay
Little Magnesia Creek
Little Manatee River
Little Marco Pass
Little McMeekin Lake
Little McPherson Bayou
Little Miguel Pass
Little Mills Creek
Little Moccasin Creek
Little Monteocha Creek
Little Moon Lake
Little Morrell Lake
Little Mulberry Branch
Little North Prong
Little Orange Creek
Little Orange Lake
Little Osage Lake
Little Owl Creek
Little Parks Cove
Little Pass
Little Payne Creek
Little Pine Barren Creek
Little Pine Island Bay
Little Pond
Little Porpoise Creek
Little Porter Lake
Little Pottsburg Creek
Little Red Water Lake
Little Red Water Lake (US Hwy 27)
Little Redfish Creek
Little Redfish Lake
Little Reedy Branch
Little Reedy Creek
Little Rice Creek
Little River
Little River (Arsenicker Keys)
Little River (Miami)
Little River Bay
Little River Canal
Little River Canal Number C-7
Little River Lake
Little River Springs
Little Roberts Pond
Little Rocky Creek
Little Run
Little Sabine Bay
Little Sable Creek
Little Saint Marks River
Little Saint Marys River
Little Salt Spring
Little Sand Lake
Little Sand Pond
Little Sandy Creek
Little Santa Fe Lake
Little Sarasota Bay
Little Sawgrass Lake
Little Shark River
Little Simpson River
Little Sixmile Creek
Little Snake Creek
Little Snapper Cut
Little Spivey Lake
Little Spring
Little Spring Creek
Little Spring Lake
Little Starvation Cove
Little Sweetwater Creek
Little Telogia Creek
Little Tide Creek
Little Tomoka River
Little Trout Creek
Little Trout River
Little Tucker Lake
Little Van Lake
Little Wekiva River
Little West Bayou
Little White River
Little Withlacoochee River
Little Wood River
Littles Bayou
Live Oak Creek
Live Oak Cutoff
Live Oak Lake
Live Oak Orchard Pond
Live Oak Pond
Live Oak Pond (Hinsons Crossroads)
Live Oak Pond (Miller's Ferry)
Liveoak Branch
Livingston Creek
Livingston Springs Pond
Livingstons Springs
Lizzie Hart Sink
Lizzie Lake
Lloyd Creek
Loch Leven
Loch Low
Lochloosa Creek
Lochloosa Lake
Lock Creek
Lockey Lake
Locklin Lake
Lofton Creek
Lofton Pond
Log Creek Pond
Log Pond
Log River
Logan Creek
Logan Pond
Lolly Creek
London Creek
Lone Cabbage Creek
Long Bayou
Long Branch
Long Branch (Baker)
Long Branch (Bristol)
Long Branch (De Funiak Springs East)
Long Branch (Glendale)
Long Branch (Harold)
Long Branch (Holley)
Long Branch (Hurricane Lake)
Long Branch (Liberty)
Long Branch (McLellan)
Long Branch (Munson)
Long Branch (Niceville SE)
Long Branch (Niceville)
Long Branch (Rock Bluff)
Long Branch Creek
Long Creek
Long Creek (Niceville)
Long Creek (Paxton)
Long Creek (Spencer Flats)
Long Cutoff
Long Flat Creek
Long Grassy Creek
Long Hammock Creek
Long Key Bight
Long Lake
Long Lake (Crystal Lake)
Long Lake (Miller's Ferry)
Long Lake (Vernon)
Long Pond
Long Pond (Chiefland)
Long Pond (Eugene)
Long Pond (Fanning Springs)
Long Pond (Flemington)
Long Pond (Hinsons Crossroads)
Long Pond (Lacoochee)
Long Pond (Lake Mary)
Long Pond (Manatee Springs)
Long Pond (Miccosukee)
Long Pond (Ponce de Leon)
Long Pond (Port Richey)
Long Pond (Ward)
Long Pond (Yankeetown)
Long Sound
Long Sound Pass
Long Sun Lake
Longboat Pass
Loon Branch
Loper Pond
Lord Lake
Lorraine Lake
Lost Boy Pond
Lost Creek
Lost Lake
Lost Pond
Lostmans Creek
Lostmans Creek Number Three
Lostmans Five Bay
Lostmans River
Lot Pond
Lots Mill Creek
Loughman Lake
Louisa Pond
Louisa Spring
Louise Lake
Love Canal
Lovers Lake
Low Bay
Low Lake
Lower Dianne Lake
Lower Doe Lake
Lower Lake Louise
Lower Memorial Lake
Lower Myakka Lake
Lower Piney Reach
Lower Sand Pond
Lower Sister Creek
Lower Spring Ponds
Lower Sugarloaf Channel
Lower Sugarloaf Sound
Lower Thirty-six Bay
Lowman Pond
Lowry Lake
Lows Bay
Lows Creek
Loxahatchee Canal
Loxahatchee River
Loxahatchee Slough (Beeline)
Lucas Lake
Luck Lake
Lucky Lake
Lucy Branch
Luke Ford Creek
Luke Lake
Lukens Creek
Lumber Camp Springs
Lumber Creek
Lungrun Cove
Lutterloh Pond
Lykes Brothers Pond
Lynn Haven Bayou
Lyons Bay
M Canal
M Lake
Mabel Porter Pond
Mac Steverson Pond
MacDonald Creek
Machine Branch
Mack Bayou
Mack Branch
Macky Bay
Madeira Bay
Magee Branch
Magnesia Pass
Magnesia Springs
Magnolia Creek
Magnolia Lake
Magnolia Slough
Mags Hole
Main Canal
Main Channel
Main Ship Channel
Mainard Branch
Major Lake
Major Shear Pond
Major Slough Lake
Mallard Lake
Mallard Pond
Mallet Bayou
Malloy Branch
Malone Creek
Malone Hammock Branch
Man of War Channel
Man of War Harbor
Manatee Bay
Manatee Creek
Manatee Pass
Manatee Pocket
Manatee River
Manatee Springs
Mandalay Channel
Mango Lake
Mann Pond
Manning Basin
Manning Creek
Manning Pond
Mansfield Pond
Manuel Branch
Maple Creek
Maple Head Creek
Maple Head Pond
Maple River
Mapps Creek
Marco Bay
Marco Lake
Mare Branch
Mare Creek
Margaret Lake
Maria Branch
Maria Sanchez Lake
Marian Creek
Mariner Lake
Marlee Lake
Marler Bayou
Marquis Basin
Marsh Bay
Marsh Bay Creek
Marsh Branch
Marsh Pond
Marshall Bay
Marshall Creek
Marshall Lake
Marshall Lakes
Marshall Pond
Marshy Bayou
Martin Cove
Martin Lake
Martin Lakes
Martin Pond
Martins Mill Pond
Marvin D Adams Waterway
Marvin Pond
Mary Branch
Mary G Munroe Pond
Mary Lake
Mary Lou Lake
Mary Pond
Marys Lake
Marys Lake Pass
Mash Branch
Mason Branch
Mason Creek
Mason Lake
Massalina Bayou
Masters Bayou
Matanzas Inlet
Matanzas Pass
Matanzas River
Matchett Lake
Matecumbe Bight
Matecumbe Harbor
Mathers Cove
Mathison Creek
Matlacha Pass
Matthis Lake
Mattress Drain
Mattress Head Branch
Maule Lake
Max Branch
Max Spring Branch
Maximo Channel
May Creek
May Mill Creek
May Prairie
Mayan Lake
Maybet Pond
Mayhall Pond
Mayhaw Pond
Mayo Mill Branch
Mayport Basin
Mayport Cut Range
Mays Pond
McArthur Pond
McBride Branch
McBride Slough
McCain Lake
McCall Branch
McCallum Branch
McCarthy Lake
McCarty Ranch Preserve
McClellan Lake
McClendon Lake
McCollough Branch
McCormick Creek
McCormick Lake
McCostill Mill Creek
McCoy Branch
McCoy Creek
McCrary Cove
McCullers Cove
McCullough Creek
McDade Creek
McDaniel Lake
McDaniel Pond
McDavid Creek
McDonald Branch
McDonald Canal
McDougal Lake
McGarity Lake
McGirts Creek
McGowen Pond
McIlvane Bay
McIntosh Branch
McIntyre Creek
McIver Branch
McKay Bay
McKay Creek
McKay Lake
McKee Lake
McKenie Lime Sink
McKethan Lake
McKinney Branch
McKinnon Branch
McKissack Ponds
McMeekin Lake
McMillan Lake
McMullen Creek
McNair Branch
McPherson Bayou
McQuage Bayou
McQuage Branch
McQuaig Lake
McQueen Creek
Mead Lake
Meadow View Lake
Meadowbrook Lake
Mearson Spring
Medcalf Lake
Medicine Lake
Meeks Lake
Meeting Pond
Megginnis Arm
Melbourne Tillman Canal
Meloy Channel
Melrose Bay
Menge Pond (Miller's Ferry)
Menge Pond (Redbay)
Mensler Creek
Mercer Branch
Mercer Pond
Merial Lake
Meridian Lake
Merrill Branch
Merritt Pond
Merritts Mill Pond
Metcalf Lake
Metts Creek
Metts Pond
Meyers Cove
Miami Canal
Miami Canal Number C-6
Miami Jetport Center 1
Miami Jetport Center 2
Miami Jetport East
Miami Jetport West 1
Miami Jetport West 2
Miami Jetport West 3
Miami River
Miami South Cannel
Middle Basin
Middle Bear Lake
Middle Cape Canal
Middle Channel
Middle Cove
Middle Creek
Middle Creek (Bradley)
Middle Creek (Crestview North)
Middle Creek (Holt)
Middle Creek (Liberty)
Middle Creek (Niceville)
Middle Fox Lake
Middle Haw Creek
Middle Lake
Middle Lake Hamilton
Middle Pond
Middle Prong
Middle Prong Saint Marys River
Middle River
Middle River Canal
Middle Rocky Creek
Middle Warrior Creek
Midnight Pass
Midway Branch
Midway Pass
Miguel Bay
Mike Canal
Mile Branch
Mile Lake
Mile Point Lower Range and Turn
Mile Pond
Military Canal
Mill Bay
Mill Bayou
Mill Branch
Mill Branch (Fiftone)
Mill Branch (Hartford)
Mill Branch (Izagora)
Mill Branch (Lawtey)
Mill Cove
Mill Creek
Mill Creek (Baker)
Mill Creek (Bakersville)
Mill Creek (Crawfordville)
Mill Creek (Crestview North)
Mill Creek (De Funiak Springs East)
Mill Creek (De Funiak Springs)
Mill Creek (New Harmony)
Mill Creek (Niceville)
Mill Creek (Oak Grove)
Mill Creek (Orangedale)
Mill Creek (Sanborn)
Mill Creek (Smith Creek)
Mill Dam Creek
Mill Dam Lake
Mill Lake
Mill Log Creek
Mill Pond
Mill Pond (Fairchild)
Mill Pond (Malone)
Mill Pond Branch
Mill Pond Creek
Mill Pond Spring
Mill Seat Creek
Mill Slough
Millar Bay
Miller Bayou
Miller Creek
Miller Lake
Miller Pond
Millers Bayou
Milligan Creek
Milligan Pond
Mills Branch
Mills Creek
Mills Creek (Geneva)
Mills Creek (Sanford)
Mills Smokehouse Pond
Millsite Lake
Milly Lake
Mincy Branch
Mineral Feeder Pond
Minge Branch
Mink Creek
Minnie Cove
Minnow Creek
Miranda Lake
Mirror Lake
Mirror Lake (Leesburg)
Mirror Lake (Paisley)
Missouri Little Duck Key Channel
Mitchel Sink
Mitchell Branch
Mitchell Creek
Mitchell Mill Creek
Mitchell River
Mizelle Creek
Mobbly Bay
Mobley Pond
Moccasin Branch
Moccasin Branch (Elkton)
Moccasin Branch (Riverdale)
Moccasin Creek
Moccasin Slough
Model Land Canal
Molasses Reef Channel
Moncrief Creek
Monden Creek
Money Bayou
Money Key Channel
Monkey Creek
Monroe Canal
Monroe Creek
Monroe Lake
Monteocha Creek
Montgomery Lake
Moody Branch
Moody Lake
Moody Pond
Moon Lake
Mooney Harbor
Mooney Pond
Moonshine Bay
Moore Branch
Moore Creek
Moore Lake
Moore Pond
Moores Mill Creek
Moores Pond
Moorings Bay
Moran Lake
Morgan Bay
Morgan Branch
Morgan Creek
Morgan Hole Creek
Morgan Millpond
Morgan Pass
Morgan Pond
Morgans Spring
Moriah Creek
Morman Branch
Morrell Branch
Morris Branch
Morris Lake
Morris Pond
Morrison Lake
Morrison Spring
Morrison Spring Run
Morrow Lake
Moser Channel
Moses Creek
Moses Hole
Mosquito Creek
Mosquito Lagoon
Mosquito Lake
Moss Bluff Pond
Moss Lake (Dade City)
Moss Lake (Lutz)
Moss Lee Lake
Moss Pond
Mossy Gully
Mossy Head Branch
Mossy Island Slough
Mossy Pond
Mossy Pond Branch
Moultrie Creek
Mound Lake
Mounds Pond
Mounds Pool
Mount Pleasant Creek
Mount Plymouth Lake
Mount Sinai Branch
Mountain Lake
Mountain Sink
Mowry Canal Number C-103
Mrazek Pond
Muck Lake
Muck Pond
Mud Alley
Mud Bay
Mud Bay (Chokoloskee)
Mud Bay (Royal Palm Hammock)
Mud Bayou
Mud Bottom Lake
Mud Canal
Mud Cove
Mud Creek
Mud Creek (Lone Cedar Island)
Mud Creek (West Pass)
Mud Creek Cove
Mud Flats Creek
Mud Hole
Mud Key Channel
Mud Key Cutoff
Mud Lake
Mud Lake (Boggy Creek)
Mud Lake (Branchborough)
Mud Lake (Bushnell)
Mud Lake (Homeland)
Mud Lake (Lake Maitland)
Mud Lake (Orlando-Apopka Airport)
Mud Lake (Polk City)
Mud Lake (Spring Lake)
Mud Lake (Wahoo)
Mud Lakes
Mud Pond
Mud Pond (Caryville)
Mud Pond (Prosperity)
Mud Prairie Lake
Mud River
Mud River Spring
Mud Slough
Mud Spring
Mudd Lake
Muddy Bay
Muddy Branch
Muddy Cove
Muddy Lake
Mulatto Bayou
Mulberry Cove
Mule Creek
Mule Pond
Mule Sink
Mulehead Lake
Mulehead Pond
Mullet Bay
Mullet Creek
Mullet Key Bayou
Mullet Key Channel
Mullet Lake
Mullet Pond
Mullock Creek
Munson Slough
Murder Creek
Murdock Bayou
Murphy Creek
Murphys Cove
Murphys Ponds
Murray Bayou
Murray Creek
Murray Head
Murray Pond
Muscogee Lake
Mussett Bayou
Myakka River
Myrtle Creek
Myrtle Lake
Myrtle Slough
Mystic Lake
Nancy Creek
Nancys Cutoff
Naples Bay
Narrow Gap Branch
Narrows Cove
Narrows Creek
Nash Pond
Nassau River
Nassau Sound
Natural Bridge Sink
Natural Bridge Spring
Natural Well Branch
Nature Conservancy Bay
Neat Creek
Ned Lake
Ned Pond
Needmore Pond
Neff Lake
Negro Cove
Negro Lake
Negro Pond
Neighborhood Pond
Nellie Glover Pond
Nelson Lake
Neoga Lake
Nero Branch New River
New Crossing Branch
New Ground Pond
New Inlet
New Pass
New Pass (historical)
New River
New River Bayou
New River Pond
New River Sound
New Rose Creek
Newcastle Creek
Newfound Harbor
Newfound Harbor Channel
Newman Bayou
Newnans Lake
Newport Spring
News Cut
Newton Lake
Nichols Creek
Nichols Lake
Nicks Lake
Nicotoon Lake
Niles Channel
Ninemile Branch
Ninemile Canal
Ninemile Creek
Ninemile Pond
No Name Harbor
Nomans River
Noralyn Mine Lake
Noreast Lake
Normandy Waterway
Norrias Club Pond
Norris Cut
Norris Dead River
North and South Boat Lake
North Banks
North Bay
North Bear Branch
North Bear Lake
North Boat Lake
North Bonnet Pond
North Branch Burnt Mill Creek
North Branch Crabgrass Creek
North Branch Smith Creek
North Canal
North Channel
North Creek
North Crystal Lake
North Double Barrel Creek
North Feeder Canal
North Fork Alligator Creek
North Fork Black Creek
North Fork Loxahatchee River
North Fork Manatee River
North Fork Miami River
North Fork Middle River
North Fork New River
North Fork Saint Lucie River
North Fork Snake Creek Canal
North Fork Taylor Creek
North Grasshopper Lake
North Harney River
North Harris Channel
North Lake
North Lake (Fort Lauderdale North)
North Lake (Port Everglades)
North Lake Okahumpka
North Lake Talmadge
North Lake Wales
North Mosquito Creek
North New River Canal
North Palm Beach Waterway
North Pine Channel
North Prairie
North Prong Alafia River
North Prong Alligator Creek
North Prong Double Branch
North Prong Otter Creek
North Prong Saint Marys River
North Prong Saint Sebastian River
North Prong Tenmile Creek
North River
North Sound Creek
North Spring Lake
North Twin Lake
North Yacht Basin
Northern Pass
Northkey Harbor
Northwest Channel
Northwest Gate
Norton Creek
Norwood Lake
Nose Lake
Notch Pond
Nowling Spring Branch
Nubbin Slough
Number Four Channel
Number Three Channel
O G Steele Pond
Oak Branch
Oak Creek
Oak Creek (Crewsville SE)
Oak Creek (Fort Green)
Oak Grove Branch
Oak Pond
Oakes Pond
Oakie Creek
O'Berry Lake
O'Brien Lake
Ocala Pond
Ocean Canal
Ocean Pond
Ocean Reef Harbor
Oceanway FMA
Ocheesee Creek
Ocheesee Pond
Ochlockonee Bay
Ochlockonee River
Ocklawaha Creek
Ocklawaha River
Ogden Lake
Ogden Pond
Ogleby Creek
Ohio Bahia Honda Channel
Ohio Missouri Channel
Okaloacoochee Slough
Okeechobee Waterway
Okeeheelee FMA
Okefenokee Slough
OL Peacock Sr Park Lake
Old Bay
Old Blind Pass
Old Brooks Bay
Old Bull Bay
Old Canal
Old Creek
Old Fern Pond
Old Finds Bight
Old Grassy Lake
Old Inlet
Old Lake
Old Moore Haven Canal
Old Navy Cove
Old Peg Branch
Old Pond
Old Rhodes Channel
Old River
Old Store Bayou
Old Tampa Bay
Old Tom Bayou
Old Town Creek
Old Town Reach
Oldfield Creek
Oldfield Pond
Oldtown Branch
Oleta River
Olive Branch
Oliver Bayou
Olivers Creek
Olsen Lake
Olustee Creek
One Island Bay
O'Nello Lake
Onion Key Bay
Open Branch
Open Creek
Open Lake
Open Pond
Open Pond (Cottondale East)
Open Pond (Sills)
Orange Branch
Orange Creek
Orange Creek Camp Lake
Orange Drain
Orange Grove Lake
Orange Grove Spring
Orange Lake
Orange Pass
Orange Pond
Orange River
Orchard Pond
Orchid Lake
Oriole Lake
Ortega River
Osage Lake
Osborn Branch
Osceola Creek
Osceola Lake
Osprey Lake
Ostego Bay
Otter Branch
Otter Creek
Otter Creek (Bruce)
Otter Creek (Seminole Hills)
Otter Drain
Otter Lake
Otter Pond
Otter Pond (Florida's Tpke)
Otter Ponds
Otter Springs
Outer Clam Bay
Outer Doctors Bay
Outer Narrows
Outlet River
Outlook Lake
Outside Lake
Owen Branch
Owen Creek
Owens Branch
Owens Lake
Owens Pond
Owens Spring
Owl Creek
Ox Bottom
Ox Lake
Ox Pond
Ox Pond (Holopaw)
Ox Pond (Saint Cloud)
Oyster Bay
Oyster Bay (Chokoloskee)
Oyster Bay (Whitewater Bay West)
Oyster Cove
Oyster Creek
Oyster Creek (Keaton Beach)
Oyster Creek (Snipe Island)
Oyster Cut
Oyster Lake
Oyster Pond
Oyster Prong
Pablo Creek
Pabor Lake
Pace Lake
Pacet Channel
Pacific Reef Channel
Packingham Slough
Pacolson Lake
Padgett Branch
Padgett Creek
Padgett Lake
Padgett Spring Branch
Page Creek
Page Lake
Page Pond
Pagett Branch
Paines Branch
Painter Branch
Painter Horselot Branch
Painters Pond
Palatka Pond
Palatlakaha River
Palestine Lake
Palm Bay
Palm Lake
Palm River
Palm Springs
Palma Ceia Spring
Palma Sola Bay
Palma Sola Creek
Palmer Branch
Palmer Lake
Palmer Slough
Palmetto Branch
Palmetto Creek
Palmetto Head
Palmetto Lake
Palmo Cove
Pams Cove
Panama Canal
Panama Lake
Pancho Creek
Pansy Lake
Panther Branch
Panther Creek
Paradise Lake
Parchman Pond
Pareners Branch
Parham Branch
Parish Lake
Parish Pond
Park Channel
Park Lake
Park Lake (E Colonial Dr)
Park Lake (Orlando Ave)
Parker Bayou
Parker Branch
Parker Lake
Parker Pond
Parker Slough
Parker-Pinder Channel
Parks Cove
Parks Creek
Parks Lake
Parrish Branch
Parrish Creek
Parrish Pond
Parrot Creek
Parson Wright Branch
Partin Canal
Pasadena Lake
Pasco Packing Company Lake
Passage Key Inlet
Pass-a-Grille Channel
Pass-a-Grille North Channel
Pass-a-Grille South Channel
Pasture Pond (historical)
Pate Branch
Pate Lake
Patsy Branch
Patsy Pond
Patterson Sink
Pattillo Creek
Patty Sink
Patty Wiggins Branch
Paul Branch
Paul Pond
Payne Creek
Payne Lake
Paynes Prairie
Peace Creek
Peace Creek Drainage Canal
Peace Pond
Peace River
Peach Creek
Peach Lake
Peacock Branch
Peacock Lake
Peacock Pond
Peacock Springs
Peacocks Pocket
Pear Lake
Pearce Canal
Pearl Basin
Pearl Bay
Pearl Bayou
Pearl Creek
Pearl Lake
Pearl Lake (Casselberry)
Pearl Lake (Forest City)
Pearl Lake (Sanford)
Pearly Island Creek
Peavey Creek
Pebble Lake
Pecan Lake
Peck Lake
Peckney Bay
Pecks Branch
Peddlers Lake
Peekins Ranch Cove
Peeler Pond
Pegram Lake
Pejuan Cove
Peler Creek
Pelican Bay
Pelican Bayou
Pelican Cove
Pelican Lake
Pelican Pass
Pelican Pond
Pellicer Creek
Pelt Creek
Pemberton Creek
Penasula Creek
Pendarvis Cove
Penner Ponds
Pennsuco Canal
Penny Creek
Pennywash Creek
Pensacola Bay
Pepper Cove
Pepper Hammock
Perch Lake
Perch Pond
Perdido Pass
Perdido River
Perico Bayou
Periwinkle Bay
Perkins Plantation Pond
Perry Pond
Perry Reeves Pond
Perry Spring
Persimmon Lake
Persimmon Pond
Peter Gibson Pond
Petermans Basin
Peters Branch
Peters Creek
Peterson Bayou
Peterson Sink
Peterson Sink Pond
Pettis Pond (Gap Lake)
Pettis Pond (Poplar Head)
Petty Gulf Lake
Philippee Creek
Philips Branch
Philips Inlet
Phillips Branch
Phillips Canal
Phyllis Branch
Phyllis Lake
Picket Lake
Pickle Pond
Piclalene Bayou
Picnic Lake
Picnic Pond
Pierce Branch
Pierce Lake
Pig Bayou
Pigeon Creek
Pigott Pond
Pike Lake
Pilot Cove
Pilot Harbor
Pimple Creek
Pinckney Hill Pond
Pine Barren Creek
Pine Bluff Lake
Pine Channel
Pine Creek
Pine Glades Natural Area
Pine Hill Lake
Pine Island Basin
Pine Island Bay
Pine Island Creek
Pine Island Lake
Pine Island Prairie
Pine Island Sound
Pine Key Bight
Pine Key Cutoff
Pine Lake
Pine Lake (Hamburg)
Pine Lake (Madison)
Pine Log Creek
Pine Log Creek (Jackson River)
Pine Log Creek (Pickett Bay)
Pine Log Lake
Pine Log Pond
Pinelog Creek
Piney Branch
Piney Creek
Piney Lake
Piney Point Creek
Piney Woods Creek
Piney Z Lake
Pinhook Cut-Off
Pinhook Lake
Pinhook River
Pinhook Sinks
Pioneer Lake
Pippin Lake
Pippin Mill Creek
Pirate Cove
Pirates Cove
Pithlachascotee River
Pitman Bay
Pitman Branch
Pitt Creek
Pitt Land Slide Pond
Pittman Creek
Pitts Bayou
Pitts Creek (Manlin Hammock)
Pitts Creek (Snipe Island)
Pitts Mill Creek
Pitts Mill Pond (historical)
Pitts Point
Pitts River
Placida Harbor
Placido Bayou
Plank Bridge Lake
Plant Pond
Plantation Heritage FMA
Plantation Pond
Plate Creek Bay
Platt Branch
Platt Lake
Playland Lake
Plaza Pool
Pleasant Point Lake
Plew Lake
Plum Lake
Plummer Creek
Plummers Cove
Plunder Branch
Pochanee Branch
Pocket Lake
Pocosin Pond
Poe Spring
Point Lake
Point Lonesome Lake
Point Lookout Creek
Polander Branch
Polar Branch
Pole Branch
Polecat Branch
Polecat Lake
Poley Branch
Poley Cow Pen
Poley Creek
Polk Creek
Polk Lake
Pollard Branch
Polley Creek
Polliwog Branch
Polly Creek
Pollywog Creek
Pompano Canal
Ponce de Leon Bay
Ponce de Leon Cut
Ponce de Leon Inlet
Ponce de Leon Spring
Ponce de Leon Springs
Pond Branch
Pond Creek
Pontoon Bay
Pony Creek
Poole Pond
Poorhouse Creek
Popash Creek
Popash Slough
Pope Channel
Pope Duval East FMA
Pope Duval West FMA
Poplar Branch
Poplar Creek
Poplar Head
Poplar Head Branch
Poplar Pond
Poplar Springs Pond
Poppolton Creek
Poquito Bayou
Porpoise Bay
Porpoise Creek
Port Canaveral
Port Leon Creek
Port Leon Lake
Port Manatee
Port of Palm Beach
Port of Saint Petersburg
Port Tampa Channel
Port Tampa Dock
Port Tarpon
Porter Lake
Porter Pond
Porter Reach
Porter Slough
Porters Bar Creek
Posten Bayou
Potter Branch
Potter Creek
Potter Pond
Pottsburg Creek
Poucher Branch
Pound Net Creek
Pouratis Pond
Poverty Creek
Powell Creek
Powell Lake
Powell Spring Branch
Powerline Lake
Prairie Creek
Prairie Lake
Prairie Pond
Prairie Ponds
Pralls Lake
Pratt Bayou
Prays Pond
Preacher Bryant Pond
Preacher Hole
Preachers Bay
Pretty Bayou
Pretty Branch
Pretty Lake
Pretty Lake (Astatula)
Pretty Pond
Prevatt Lake
Price Creek
Priest Branch
Priest Pond
Primo Bay
Princess Lake
Princeton Canal Number C-102
Pringle Branch
Pritchell Mill Branch
Private Pond
Prodie Creek
Puckett Creek
Puddin Head Lake
Puerto Rico Cove
Pump Branch
Pump Pond
Pump Spring
Pumpkin Bay
Pumpkin Center Lake
Pumpkin Creek
Pumpkin Hill Creek
Pumpkin River
Punch Bowl Pond
Punch Gully
Punta Blanca Bay
Punta Rassa Cove
Purify Creek
Puzzle Lake
Pyron Spring Branch
Quail Pond
Quarantine Island Upper Range
Quarantine Reach
Quarry Creek
Quarterman Cove
Queen City Lake
Queens Bay
Queens Mirror
Quiet Lake
Quincy Creek
Quinn Bayou
Quintette Lake
R B Spires Pond
R B Squirls Pond
R B Underwood
Rabbit Key Basin
Rabbit Key Pass
Raccoon Lake
Race Channel
Race Pond
Rachel Lake
Rail Tree Branch
Railroad Pond
Rainbow Lake
Rainbow River
Rainbow Springs
Rainey Slough
Raineys Lake
Rake Creek
Ralph Lake
Rambler Hole
Ramer Creek
Ramer Pond
Ramsey Branch
Ramsey Creek
Ramshorn Cut
Ranch Bar Gap
Randolph Lake
Rankin Bight
Ratliff Creek
Rattlesnake Bayou
Rattlesnake Branch
Rattlesnake Cove
Rattlesnake Lake
Rattlesnake Slough
Rattlesnake Spring Branch
Raulerson Cove
Raulerson Creek
Raulison Pond
Rauslerson Branch
Ray Pond
Rayner Pond
Rayonier Reach
Raysor Creek
Razor Lake
Reader Creek
Reason Lakes
Rebecca Shoal Channel
Red Bay
Red Bay Branch
Red Bay Creek
Red Beach Lake
Red Bug Lake
Red Bug Lake (Ehren)
Red Bug Lake (Lutz)
Red Deer Creek
Red Fish Creek
Red Fish Lake
Red Head Branch
Red House Branch
Red Lake
Red Pond
Red Wash Branch (Baker)
Red Wash Branch (Crestview North)
Red Wash Branch (Hurricane Lake)
Red Water Lake
Redden Prairie Pond
Reddick Mill Creek
Redfish Cove
Redfish Pass
Redland Canal
Redoubt Bayou
Redwater Lake
Reed Canal
Reedy Branch
Reedy Branch (Miller's Ferry)
Reedy Branch (Poplar Head)
Reedy Branch (Smith Creek)
Reedy Branch (Ward)
Reedy Creek
Reedy Creek (Fountain)
Reedy Creek (Lake Arbuckle)
Reedy Creek (Springfield)
Reedy Creek (Windermere)
Reedy Lake
Rees Lake
Reeves Lake
Reeves Pond
Register Bayou
Regular Creek
Reinheimer Lake
Renfro Lake
Republic Lake
Reservoir Lake
Revell Branch
Rexford Lake
Rhodes Springs (Ward)
Rhodes Springs (Woodville)
Rhuda Branch
Ribault River
Rice Creek
Rice Creek (Palatka)
Rice Creek Bay
Rice Lake
Rice Machine Branch
Rice Machine Pond
Richard Bayou
Richard Creek
Richardson Creek
Richland Pond
Richlander Creek
Ridgeway Creek
Riggins Lake
Right Prong Stone Mill Creek
Riley Lake
Riley Pond
Rim Canal
Rim Ditch
Ring Jaw Branch
Rio Barcelona Canal
Rio De Sota Canal
Riomar Creek
River Lake
River Sink
River Styx
Riverside Lake
Riversink Spring
Riviera Bay
Roach Branch
Roach Hole
Roach Lake
Roaring Branch
Roaring Creek
Roaring Cutoff
Roberts Bay
Roberts Bay (Sarasota)
Roberts Bay (Venice)
Roberts Branch
Roberts Canal
Roberts Creek
Roberts Lake
Roberts Pond
Roberts River
Robinson Bayou
Robinson Branch
Robinson Creek
Robinson Lake
Robinson Sinks
Robison Lake
Rock Bluff Spring
Rock Creek
Rock Harbor
Rock Hole
Rock Island Bay
Rock Island Pond
Rock Lake
Rock Pit Lake
Rock Pond
Rock Pond (Brooksville)
Rock Pond (Saint Catherine)
Rock Sink
Rock Spring
Rock Springs
Rock Springs Run
Rockedge Creek
Rockhouse Creek
Rockland Channel
Rocky Bay
Rocky Bayou
Rocky Branch
Rocky Channel
Rocky Channel (Horseshoe Key)
Rocky Channel (Sandy Key)
Rocky Comfort Creek
Rocky Cove
Rocky Creek
Rocky Creek (Boyd)
Rocky Creek (Salem)
Rocky Creek Bay
Rocky Lake
Rocky Point Cove
Rodgers Creek
Rodgers River
Rodgers River Bay
Rodman Reservoir/Lake Ocklawaha
Roebuck Creek
Rogers Sink
Rogue Creek
Rohden Cove
Rolland Branch
Ronnie VanZant FMA
Rookery Bay
Rookery Branch
Roosevelt Channel
Rooted Devil
Rosalie Creek
Rose Apple Lake
Rose Bay
Rose Creek
Rose Creek (Columbia)
Rose Creek (Lake City East)
Ross Creek
Ross Lake
Ross Pond
Roulac Pond
Round Brown Pond
Round Lake
Round Lake (Alturas)
Round Lake (Eloise)
Round Pond
Roundabout Lake
Rowell Creek
Rowland Canal
Rowletts Creek
Royal Galdes Canal
Royal Palm Beach Lake
Royal Springs
Rudy Branch
Rum Sink
Rum Still Branch
Running Lake
Running Springs
Rush Lake
Rushing Branch
Rushing Cutoff
Russ Lake
Russ Mill Creek
Russ Pond
Russell Bay
Russell Bayou
Russell Channel
Russell Pass
Ruth Lake
Rutland Creek
Rye Branch
Ryle Creek
S D Ingram Pond One
S D Ingram Pond Two
Sabal Lake
Saddle Bag Lake
Saddle Blanket Lakes
Saddle Creek
Saddle Creek FMA
Saddleback Lake
Saddlebag Lake
Saddlebag Pond
Saddlebags Lake
Saddlebunch Harbor
Saddlebunch Number Five Channel
Saddlebunch Number Four Channel
Saddlebunch Number Three Channel
Saddlebunch Number Two Channel
Safe Harbor
Safety Harbor
Sage Pond
Sage Spring
Sailboat Lake
Sailor Hole (historical)
Saint Andrew Bay
Saint Andrew Sound
Saint Andrews Lake
Saint Anne Lake
Saint Augustine Inlet
Saint Clair Lake
Saint Claire Lake
Saint Cloud Canal
Saint Francis Dead River
Saint George Lake
Saint George Sound
Saint Joe Canal
Saint Joes Creek
Saint Johns Lake
Saint Johns River
Saint Joseph Bay
Saint Joseph Creek
Saint Joseph Sound
Saint Lucie Canal
Saint Lucie Cut
Saint Lucie River
Saint Marks River
Saint Marks Spring
Saint Marys River
Saint Sebastian River
Saint Vincent Sound
Sal Marie Branch
Sal Taylor Creek
Salem Branch
Salerno Lake
Salmons Bay
Salt Cove
Salt Creek
Salt Creek (Chassahowitzka)
Salt Creek (Homosassa)
Salt Creek (Keaton Beach)
Salt Creek (Red Level)
Salt Creek (Steinhatchee)
Salt Creek Main Canal
Salt Island Creek
Salt Lake
Salt Pan Creek
Salt Run
Salt Sick Lake
Salt Springs Run
Salters Branch
Salters Lake
Salty Branch
Sam Joe Pond
Sam Knight Creek
Sampala Lake
Samples Creek
Sampson Creek
Sampson Lake
Sampson River
Sams Bayou
Sams Creek Cutoff
Sams Lake
Samsula Canal
San Carlos Bay
San Carlos Canal
San Carlos Creek
San Julian Creek
San Sebastian Lake
San Sebastian River
Sanbar Lake
Sanborn Lake
Sancher Pond
Sanchez Lake
Sanctuary Sound
Sand Bay
Sand Beach Branch
Sand Branch
Sand Branch (Manatee River)
Sand Branch (Owen Creek)
Sand Cove
Sand Creek
Sand Creek (Black Point)
Sand Creek (Cobb Rocks)
Sand Creek (East Pass)
Sand Creek (Lighthouse Point)
Sand Creek (Okefenokee Slough)
Sand Creek (Snipe Island)
Sand Gully
Sand Hammock Pond
Sand Hill Bay
Sand Hill Creek
Sand Hill Pond
Sand Hole
Sand Island Slough
Sand Key Channel
Sand Lake
Sand Lake (Burlington Ave)
Sand Lake (Gum Lake)
Sand Lake (Homeland)
Sand Lakes
Sand Mountain Branch
Sand Mountain Pond
Sand Path Bay
Sand Point Pond
Sand Pond
Sand Pond (Bennett)
Sand Pond (Bronson)
Sand Pond (Fairchild)
Sand Pond (Gap Lake)
Sand Pond (Kynesville)
Sand Pond (Little River Recreation Area)
Sand Pond (Manatee Springs)
Sand Pond (Peterson Sink)
Sand Pond (SE Blackhawk Dr)
Sand Pond (SE Winquepin St)
Sand Pond (Tidewater)
Sand Slough
Sandbank Creek
Sandbar Lake
Sanders Branch
Sanders Creek
Sanders Hammock Pond
Sanders Pond
Sandfly Creek
Sandfly Gully
Sandfly Pass
Sandhill Crane Lake
Sandmine Lake
Sands Cut
Sandwich Cove
Sandy Branch
Sandy Creek
Sandy Drain
Sandy Gully
Sandy Key Basin
Sandy Mountain Branch
Sandy Point Bayou
Sandy Pond
Sandy Run
Sanibel Bayou
Sanibel Bayous
Sanlando Springs
Santa Fe Canal
Santa Fe Lake
Santa Fe River
Santa Rosa Sound
Santina Bay
Santini Bight
Sap Pond
Sap Ponds
Sapling Branch
Sapp Lake
Sapphire Lake
Sarah Ann Branch
Sarasota Bay
Saratoga Lake
Sarden Lake
Sardine Lake
Saul Creek
Saul Creek Cut Off
Saultsman Cove
Saultsman Cutoff
Saunders Cove
Savannas Preserve State Park
Saw Mill Lake
Sawdust Lake
Sawdust Pond
Sawgrass Lake
Sawgrass Pond
Sawgrass Recreation Park
Sawpit Creek
Sawyer Cove
Sawyer Lake
Saxon Lake
Scharrer Bayou
Scharrer Cut
Schere-Thaxton Preserve
Schimmerhorn Lake
Schoolhouse Branch
Schoolhouse Lake
Schoolhouse Pond
Scipio Creek
Scipio Creek Channel
Scoggin Creek
Scoggin Lake (Daytona Beach)
Scoggin Lake (Lake Woodruff)
Sconiers Mill Creek
Sconiers Mill Pond
Scott Lake
Scott Pond
Scott Spring
Scout Lake
Scrub Jay Pond
Scrub Pond
Scrub Slough
Scurrycut Pond
Sea Pond
Seaboard Pond
Seaboard Reach
Seabreeze Creek
Seaplane Basin
Searcy Creek
Sears Lake
Seaton Creek
Sebastian Inlet
Second Bay
Second Creek
Second Mouth
Secret Lake
Section Sixteen Lake
Seddon Channel
Seedland Cutoff
Sellers Bear Hole
Sellers Lake
Seminole Creek
Sessions Pond
Set Pond
Seven Palm Lake
Seven Pines Creek
Seven Runs
Seven Sisters Canal
Sevenmile Creek
Sevenmile Lake
Sevenmile Slough
Seventeenmile Pond
Seward Lake
Sewell Branch
Sewell Lake
Sexton Cove
Seybold Canal
SFWMD Stormwater Treatment Area (STA)
Shacklefoot Pond
Shadow Lake
Shady Brook
Shady Nook Lake
Shakett Creek
Shaky Joe Branch
Shaky Lake
Shallow Cutoff
Shanty Ford Branch
Shark Channel
Shark Cutoff
Shark River
Sharon Lake
Sharpes Lake
Sharpless Pond
Shaw Creek
Shaw Lake
Shaw Pond
Shaw Still Branch
Sheelar Lake
Sheephead Bayou (Beacon Beach)
Sheephead Bayou (Southport)
Sheephead Creek
Sheephead Cut
Sheepshead Bayou
Shehee Lake
Shelby Lake
Shell Bay
Shell Creek
Shell Key Bay
Shell Key Channel
Shell Pass
Shell Point Cove
Shemonie Lake
Shepards Millpond
Shephard Lake
Shepherd Branch
Shepherd Lake
Shepherd Spring Creek
Sheppard Lake
Sherman Cove
Sherman Creek
Sherman Cut Range
Sherman Inlet
Sherrys Brook
Sherwood Forest Lake
Shine Creek
Shine Pond
Shingle Branch
Shingle Creek
Shinney Creek
Shipyard Canal
Shipyard Creek
Shired Creek
Shirer Branch
Shirk Bayou
Shirley Lake
Shirt Tail Lake
Shirttail Branch
Shivers Bay
Shoal River
Shoesole Lake
Shores Mill Creek
Short Branch
Short Canal
Short Creek
Short Cut Reach
Short Cutoff
Shortys Pocket
Shuler Branch
Shumold Lake
Sick Lake (Odoniel Loop W)
Sick Lake (Walt Williams Rd)
Sidney Lake
Sigler Lake
Sikes Creek
Silcox Branch
Silver Blue Lake
Silver Creek
Silver Glen Springs
Silver Glen Springs Run
Silver Lake
Silver Lake (Crescent City)
Silver Lake (Fort McCoy)
Silver Lake (Lake Weir)
Silver Lake (Leesburg)
Silver Lake (Paisley)
Silver Lake (Putnam Hall)
Silver Lake (Saint Teresa)
Silver Lake (Sanborn)
Silver Lake (Satsuma)
Silver Pond
Silver River
Silver Sand Lake
Silver Springs
Silversmith Creek
Similar Sound
Simmon Pond
Simmons Creek
Simmons Pond
Simmons Prairie Lake
Simms Creek
Simpson Lake
Simpson Nursery Pond
Simpson River
Sinai Spring
Sink Branch
Sink Creek
Sink Hole Ponds
Sister Pond
Sister Pond Creek
Sister River
Sistrunk Pond (historical)
Six Pound Pond
Sixmile Creek
Sixmile Pond
Sixteenmile Creek
Skim Lake
Skinned Sapling Creek
Skinner Lake
Skipper Creek
Sky Lake
Skyview Lake
Slagle Ditch
Slaughter Sand Pond
Slave Canal
Sloman Branch
Smack Bayou
Smacks Bayou
Smith Bayou
Smith Branch
Smith Cove
Smith Creek
Smith Lake
Smith McCullah Creek
Smith Mill Pond
Smiths Pond
Smiths Prairie
Smokehouse Bay
Smokehouse Creek
Smokehouse Creek (Manlin Hammock)
Smokehouse Creek (Snipe Island)
Smokehouse Lake
Smokehouse Pond
Smooth Iron Pond
Smutty Sweet Gum Creek
Smyrna Creek
Snag Harbor
Snag Lake
Snake Bayou
Snake Bight
Snake Bight Canal
Snake Bight Channel
Snake Creek
Snake Creek Canal
Snake Creek Cutoff
Snake River
Snapper Creek Canal Number C-100
Snapper Creek Lake
Snapper Cut
Snead Creek
Snead Island Cutoff
Sneads Smokehouse Lake
Snell Creek
Snell Island Harbor
Snipe Creek
Snook Hole Channel
Snowden Creek
Soap Creek
Soapstone Branch
Solano Cove
Soldier Creek
Soldier Creek Cove
Soldier Hole
Soldiers Creek
Solomon Lake
Sombrero Creek
Sopchoppy River
Sour Orange Lake
South Amelia River
South Bar Channel
South Basin
South Bass Lake
South Bay
South Bear Lake
South Boat Lake
South Bonnet Pond
South Branch Anclote River
South Bull Pond
South Canal
South Channel
South Coconut Bayou
South Cove
South Creek
South Crystal Lake
South Double Barrel Creek
South Fork Bear Creek
South Fork Black Creek
South Fork Little Manatee River
South Fork Miami River
South Fork Middle River
South Fork New River
South Fork Saint Lucie River
South Fork Taylor Creek
South Gandy Channel
South Grasshopper Lake
South Jupiter Narrows
South Lake
South Lake (Fort Lauderdale North)
South Lake (Paisley)
South Lake (Pine Lakes)
South Lake (Port Everglades)
South Lake Talmadge
South Marsh Creek
South Moon Lake
South Mosquito Creek
South Mouth
South New River Canal
South Pass
South Pine Channel
South Port Canal
South Prong Alafia River
South Prong Alligator Creek
South Prong Double Branch
South Prong Fort Godsden Creek
South Prong Saint Marys River
South Prong Saint Sebastian River
South Side Canal
South Snag Harbor
South Sound Creek
South Stop
South Twin Lake
South Yacht Basin
Southeast Channel
Southeast Lake Nellie
Southern Pond
Southwest Channel
Southwest Fork Loxahatchee River
Southwest Gate
Spanish Creek
Spanish Harbor
Spanish Harbor Channel
Spanish Mill Creek
Sparkleberry Lake
Sparkling Water Lake
Sparkman Channel
Sparkman Lake
Sparling Lake
Spartman Branch
Spears Branch
Speck Pond
Speckled Perch Lake
Spectacle Pond
Spence Branch
Spirit Lake
Spivey Lake
Split Lake
Sponge Crawl Creek
Spots Branch
Spring Bayou
Spring Branch
Spring Branch (Campbellton)
Spring Branch (Darlington)
Spring Branch (Marianna)
Spring Branch (New Harmony)
Spring Creek
Spring Creek Channel
Spring Garden Creek
Spring Garden Lake
Spring Head Pond
Spring Hollow
Spring Lake
Spring Lake (Lake Jessamine)
Spring Lake (Lake Minneola East)
Spring Lake (Lake Minneola North)
Spring Lake (Leesburg)
Spring Lake (Orlando)
Spring Lake (Rodman)
Spring Lake (San Mateo)
Spring Lake (Winter Garden)
Spring Lake Number One
Spring Lake Number Two
Spring Lake Prairie
Spring Pond
Spring Run
Spring Warrior Creek
Springhead Creek
Spruce Creek (New Smyrna Beach)
Spruce Creek (Samsula)
Spruce Lake
Spur Canal Number Four
Spur Canal Number One
Spur Pond
Square Lake
Square Lake (Palm Beach)
Square Lake (Riviera Beach)
Squaw Pond
Squawk Creek
Squirrel Prairie Lake
St. Augustine Road North FMA
St. Augustine Road South FMA
Stafford Creek
Stafford Lake
Stafford Pond
Stag Branch
Stage Pond
Stage Stand Branch
Stagger Creek
Stagger Mud Lake
Stake Creek
Stallion Bay
Stalworth Lake
Stanley Branch
Stanley Fish Hole
Stanton Creek
Stapleton Creek
Star Lake
Starke Lake
Starks Cutoff
Starks Prairie
Starrett Creek
Starvation Branch
Starvation Lake
Starvation Slough
State Harbor
Staten Pond
Station Branch
Station Lake
Station Pond
Stave Branch
Stealing Lake
Steamboat Channel
Steamboat Creek
Steamboat Gap
Steep Head
Steep Head Branch (De Funiak Springs West)
Steep Head Branch (Mossy Head)
Steep Head Branch (Niceville)
Steer Pen Slough
Steinhatchee River
Steinhatchee Spring
Stella Lake
Stergan Lake
Stevens Branch
Stevens Lake
Stevens Pond
Stevenson Creek
Steves Wash Branch
Steward Bayou
Stewart Lake
Still Branch
Still Creek
Still Lake
Still Pond
Still Pond (Gap Lake)
Still Pond (Miller's Ferry)
Sting Ray Cove
Stingray Creek
Stirling Lake
Stock Island Channel
Stokes Branch
Stokes Creek
Stokes Lake
Stone Mill Creek
Stone Pond
Stony Bayou
Stony Bayou Pool
Stopper Creek
Storter Bay
Story Lake
Straits of Florida
Stranahan River
Strange Bayou
Straw Bay Branch
Straw Pond
Strawberry Creek
Strayhan Pond
Street Branch
Strickland Arm
Strickland Bay
Strickland Lake
Stricklin Gully
String of Ponds
Stroud Creek
Strouds Creek
Stuart Cove
Stubbs Lake
Stump Creek
Stump Pass
Styles Creek
Submarine Lake
Suck Hole
Sugar Bay
Sugar Creek
Sugar Mill Branch
Sugar Mill Pond
Sugarbowl Lake
Sugarhouse Cove
Sugarhouse Creek
Suggs Head
Suggs Lake
Sulfur Creek
Sulphur Run
Sulphur Spring
Sulphur Springs
Sulphur Springs Cove
Summerall Lake
Summit Pond
Sumner Lake
Sun Lake
Sun Springs
Sunday Bay
Sunday Rollaway Creek
Sundown Creek
Sunk Pond
Sunny Lake
Sunrise Bay
Sunrise Lake
Sunset Cove
Sunset Lake
Sunset Lake (Clermont)
Sunset Lake (Mascotte)
Sunset Pond
Sunshine Lake
Sunshine Skyway Channel
Surprise Lake
Surveyor Creek
Surveyor Pond
Surveyors Creek
Surveyors Lake
Susan Pond
Sutherland Bayou
Sutton Creek
Suwanacoochee Spring
Suwannee Lake
Suwannee River
Suwannee Sound
Suwannee Valley Plantation-Cabbage Head
Suwannee Valley Plantation-Caviar
Suwannee Valley Plantation-Hooker Bay
Suwannee Valley Plantation-Lake 29
Suwannee Valley Plantation-Morgan
Suwannee Valley Plantation-No Name Lake
Suwannee Valley Plantation-Pridgen
Suwannee Valley Plantation-South Lake
Swain Pond
Swamp Creek
Swamp Lake
Swan Lake
Sweats Millpond
Sweet Pond
Sweet Water Lake (Sweetwater Campsite)
Sweet Water Lake (Townsend Branch)
Sweetwate Creek
Sweetwater Branch
Sweetwater Creek
Sweetwater Lake
Sweetwater Springs
Swift Branch
Swift Creek
Swift Creek Pond
Swift Creek Swamp
Swift Slough
Swifts Creek Pond
Swim Lake
Swim Pond
Swimming Pen Creek
Swindle Lake
Swords Pond
Sycamore Branch
Syfrett Creek
Sykes Cove
Sylvan Lake
Sylvia Lake
Syrup Branch
Tallahassee Creek
Tampa Bay
Tampa Bay Channel
Tampa Bypass Canal
Tampa Lake
Tampa Water Works Lake
Tan Branch
Tan Vat Branch
Tan Yard Creek
Tangerine Lake
Tank Lake
Tank Pond
Tanner Lake
Tanner Springs
Tanyard Branch
Tanyard Pond
Tarkiln Bay
Tarkiln Bayou
Tarpan Lake
Tarpon Basin
Tarpon Bay
Tarpon Bay (Alligator Bay)
Tarpon Creek
Tarpon River
Tater Patch Pond
Tatum Gully
Tatum Waterway
Tavernier Harbor
Taylor Branch (Clarksville)
Taylor Branch (Juniper Creek)
Taylor Creek
Taylor Hole
Taylor Lake
Taylor River
Tea Creek
Tea Creek Cutoff
Tea Pond
Teardrop Lake
Teatable Key Channel
Teatable Key Relief Channel
Tedder Lake
Tee Lake
Telegraph Creek
Telford Spring
Telogia Creek
Tenmile Branch
Tenmile Canal
Tenmile Creek
Tenmile Lake
Tenmile Pond
Tenoroc FMA
Terminal Channel
Terra Ceia Bay
Terrapin Bay
Terrapin Creek
Tetabar Creek
Texas Branch
Thankyouma'am Creek
Tharp Mill Pond
The Basin
The Bayou
The Black Holes
The Bob Russ Pond
The Boggies
The Cascade
The Cutoff
The Deadening
The First National
The Flat
The Hok
The Kitchen
The Lagoon
The Lungs
The Muddies
The Narrows
The Pines Canal
The Pond
The Rafters
The Savannah
The Wye
The X
Theresa Lake
Thimble Lake
Third Bay
Thirsting Lake
Thirteenmile Run
Thirtymile Creek
Thomas Bay
Thomas Branch
Thomas Creek
Thomas Lake
Thomas Lake (Auburndale)
Thomas Lake (Hesperides)
Thomas Mill Creek
Thomas Mill Run
Thomas Spring
Thompson Bayou
Thompson Branch
Thompson Cutoff
Thompson Lake
Thompson Pond
Thompson Pond Ditch
Thompson Spring Branch
Thormpson Pond
Thornhill Lake
Thornton Branch
Thorny Head Branch
Thorpe Lake
Thousandmile Creek
Thrasher Nest Pond
Three Cabbages
Three Forks Marsh Conservation Area
Three Hollow Creek
Three Hollow Head
Three Island Cove
Three Island Lakes
Three Otter Creek
Three Pond
Threemile Branch
Threemile Lake
Thundering Spring
Thursday Cove
Tice Lake
Tick Island Mud Lake
Tide Creek
Tidwell Mill Creek
Tiger Bay Slough
Tiger Branch
Tiger Creek
Tiger Ford Branch
Tiger Lake
Tiger Pond
Tiger Pond Creek
Tiger Shoal
Tiger Tail Bay
Tigerhead Lake
Tiller Bay
Tiller Branch
Tiller Pond
Tillette Bayou
Tillmans Pond
Timber Branch
Timber Lake
Tin Pan Gap
Tin Top Bay
Tippecanoe Bay
Tippen Bay
Tisawee Lake
Tishler Pond
Titi Branch
Titi Creek
Tivoli Lake
Tobacco Bed Pond
Tobacco House Pond
Tobe Lake
Tocoi Creek
Todd Branch
Todd Pond
Tollgate Ponds
Tolomato River
Tom Bay
Tom Black Lake
Tom Hahn Creek
Tom King Bayou
Tom Smith Branch
Tomahawk Lake
Tomoka Basin
Tomoka River
Toms Bayou
Toms Bight
Toms Creek
Toms Harbor
Toms Harbor Channel
Toms Harbor Cut
Tooke Creek
Tooke Lake
Toolchest Branch
Tootoosahatchee Creek
Torch Channel
Torch Ramrod Channel
Tower Lake
Town Branch
Townsen Lake
Townsend Branch
Townsend Canal
Townsend Creek
Townsend Pond (Koon Lake)
Tractor Lake
Tracy Branch
Tracy Canal
Training Wall Reach
Trammel Creek
Trawick Creek
Treasure Harbor
Treasure Lake
Triple Lakes
Triplet Lake
Tripod Creek
Tropic Isle Harbor
Tropical FMA
Trotting Pond
Troublesome Creek
Trout Bayou
Trout Cove
Trout Creek
Trout Lake
Trout Lake (Casselberry)
Trout Lake (Eustis)
Trout Lake (Forest City)
Trout Lake (Howey In The Hills)
Trout Lake (Lake Louisa)
Trout Lake (Paisley)
Trout Lake (Sanford)
Trout Pond
Trout River
Trout River Cut
Trout River Cut Range
Trowel Lake
Troy Spring
Trues Lake
Truett Branch
Tsala Apopka Lake
Tub Lake
Tucker Bayou
Tucker Cove
Tucker Creek
Tucker Lake
Tucker Pond
Turf Pond
Turket Creek
Turkey Basin
Turkey Branch
Turkey Creek
Turkey Creek (Holt)
Turkey Creek (Niceville)
Turkey Ford Lake
Turkey Gobbler Creek
Turkey Hen Creek
Turkey Lake
Turkey Pen Pond
Turkey Pond
Turkey Slough
Turnbull Bay
Turnbull Creek
Turnbull Creek (New Smyrna Beach)
Turnbull Creek (Oak Hill)
Turner Creek
Turner Lake
Turner Pond
Turner Ponds
Turner River
Turner River Canal
Turners Cove
Turners Creek
Turning Basin
Turnip Pond
Turnpike Branch
Turtle Bay
Turtle Cove Lake
Turtle Creek
Turtle Creek Bay
Turtle Harbor
Turtle Lake Branch
Turtle Slough
Tuscawilla Lake
Tusset Pond
Tussock Lake
Twelvemile Pond
Twelvemile Slough
Twin Creek
Twin Lake
Twin Lake (Leesburg)
Twin Lake (Mascotte)
Twin Lakes
Twin Lakes (Alturas)
Twin Lakes (Casselberry)
Twin Lakes (De Land)
Twin Lakes (Lake Wales)
Twin Lakes (Lake Woodruff)
Twin Lakes (Oviedo)
Twin Lakes (Sanford)
Twin Lakes Canal
Twin Oak Lake
Twin Pond
Twin Ponds
Two Barrel Branch
Two Hole Branch
Two Island Bay
Two Mile Channel
Twomile Branch
Twomile Creek
Twomile Lake
Twomile Pond
Twomile Prairie Lake
Tyler Lake
Tyner Branch
Tyre Creek
Tyson Creek
Tyson Lake
Ullmore Cove
Underhill Branch
Union Lake
United States Highway Canal Number C-109
Unity Lake
University Lake
Unknown Bay
Unnamed Canal
Unnamed Lake
Up and Down Lake
Upchurch Pond
Upper Addison Bay
Upper Doe Lake
Upper Goose Bayou
Upper Lake Louise
Upper Memorial Lake
Upper Myakka Lake
Upper Piney Reach
Upper Sister Creek
Upper Sugarloaf Sound
Upper Sweetwater Creek
Upper Thirty-six Bay
Vaca Key Bight
Valkaria Lake
Valley Long Pond
Valrico Lake
Van Brunt Arm
Van Dyke Lake
Vanderbilt Channel
Varnes Lake
Vassey Creek
Vause Branch Ochlockonee River
Velburton Lake
Venetian Bay
Venetian Pool
Venice Inlet
Vienna Lake
Viney Branch
Violet Lake
Violetta Farm Pond
Virginia Cut
Vista View Pond North
Vista View Pond South
Vivian Lake
Volusia Bear Hole
Volusia Cove
Vortex Spring
Vossinbury Creek
Vote Creek
W B Jordon Pond
W H Peeples Pond One
W H Peeples Pond Three
W H Peeples Pond Two
W Water Hole
Waccasassa Bay
Waccasassa Lake
Waccasassa River
Wacissa River
Waddells Mill Creek
Waddells Mill Pond
Wade Canal
Wade Prairie
Wades Creek
Wadesboro Springs
Wadley Pass
Wages Pond
Wagner Creek
Wahneta Farms Drainage Canal
Wakulla River
Waldena Lake
Waldo Canal
Waldo Spring
Waldon Lake
Waldorf Lake
Walker Bayou
Walker Branch
Walker Creek
Walker Pond
Walker Spring
Wall Creek
Wall Lake
Walled Sink
Wallet Pond
Walsingham Reservoir
Walton Pond
Waltz Key Basin
Ward Basin
Ward Bay
Ward Branch (Portland)
Ward Branch (Rock Hill)
Ward Cove
Ward Creek
Ward Lake
Ward Mill Creek
Wares Creek
Warmouth Lake
Warner Cove
Warner Creek
Warren Bayou
Wash Lake
Wash Pond
Wash Pond (Crystal Lake)
Wash Pond (Gap Lake)
Washburn Cove
Wasteway Branch
Watch Chain Slough
Water Bay
Water Branch
Water Hole
Water Hole Creek
Water Oak Creek
Water Pond
Water Pond (Lee)
Water Pond (Madison)
Water Turkey Bayou
Watering Creek
Watering Lake
Watering Pond
Waterman Lakes
Watermelon Pond
Waters Lake
Waters Pond
Watertown Lake
Waterview Lake
Watson Bayou
Watson Branch
Watson Pond
Watson Prairie
Watson River
Watts Pond
Wauberg Lake
Wauseon Bay
Way Pond
Weaver Creek
Weaver River
Weaver Springs
Weaver Warrior Creek
Webb Branch
Webbville Spring
Wee Lake
Week Creek
Weeki Wachee River
Weeki Wachee Spring
Weekiwachee Prairie Lake
Weekiwachee Preserve
Weekley Bayou
Weeks Fisher Creek
Weeks Lake
Weeks Lakes
Weeks Waterhole
Wekiva Beach
Wekiva River
Wekiva Springs
Welaka Springs
Welaunee Creek
Welaunee Sink
Wellborn Lake
Wells Mill Creek
Wells Pond
Weohyakapka Creek
West Arm of Dead Lakes
West Baker Canal
West Basin
West Bay
West Bay Creek
West Bayou
West Branch Blockhouse Creek
West Branch Coral Creek
West Branch Crabgrass Creek
West Branch Lightwood Knot Creek
West Branch Mare Creek
West Branch Sopchoppy River
West Branch South Prong Alafia River
West Channel
West Clearwater Lake
West Creek
West Crooked Lake
West Cutoff
West Dog Creek
West Easy Canal
West Feeder Canal
West Fork Big Coldwater Creek
West Fork Boggy Creek
West Fork Horse Creek
West Fork Juniper Creek
West Fork Panther Creek
West Fork Syfrett Creek
West Fork Tenmile Swamp
West Gap
West Goose Creek
West Griffin Creek
West Harbor Key Channel
West Hinson Lake
West Lake
West Lake (North Miami)
West Lake Ellis
West Moon Lake
West Palm Beach Canal
West Palm Run
West Pass
West Pass Bay
West Pepper Creek
West Pittman Creek
West Prong
West Prong New River
West Run Cracker Branch
West Sandy Creek
Western Branch
Western Lake
Westwood Lake
Westwood Lake South
Wetappo Creek
Whackup Creek
Whale Harbor
Whale Harbor Channel
Wharf Creek
Wheeler Branch
Whidden Bay
Whidden Branch
Whidden Creek
Whidden Lake
Whiddens Pass
Whiddon Lake
Whippoorwill Marina
Whipray Basin
Whipray Channel
Whirlwind Lake
Whiskey Creek
Whiskey George Creek
Whitcomb Bayou
White Branch
White Branch (De Funiak Springs West)
White Branch (Rock Hill)
White Buck Branch
White Creek
White Flank Pond
White Head Spring Branch
White Lake
White Oak Creek
White Panther Creek
White Pond
White River
White Sands Lake
White Shell Bar Gap
White Shells Cut Range
White Springs
White Sulphur Spring
White Trout Lake
White Western Lake
Whitehead Lake
Whitehouse Cove
Whitehurst Pond
Whiteoak Bayou
Whites River
Whitewater Bay
Whitewater Branch
Whitewater Creek
Whitewater Lakes
Whitmore Bight
Whitmore Lake
Whitney Channel
Whitney River
Wicker Lakes
Wickers Pond
Widgeon Bay
Wiggins Branch
Wiggins Pass
Wigwam Creek
Wilbur Bay
Wilburn Branch
Wild Goose Lagoon
Wildcat Branch
Wildcat Cove
Wildcat Creek
Wildcat Lake
Wildcat Slough
Wilder Branch
Wilder Creek
Wilderness Waterway
Wilkinson Creek
Willacoochee Creek
William Sheffield Park Lake
Williams Bayou
Williams Branch
Williams Creek
Williams Lake
Williams Mill Pond
Williams Pond
Williams Slough
Williams Waterhole
Williamson Creek
Williamson Pond
Willie Pond
Willow Cove
Willow Cove (San Mateo)
Willow Cove Branch
Willow Prairie Lake
Willow Sink
Wills Branch
Wilma Lake
Wilson Branch
Wilson Cove
Wilson Cove (Hastings)
Wilson Cut
Wilson Lake
Wilson Mill Creek
Wilson Pond
Wilson Shepherd Pond
Winburn Lake
Winburn Pond
Wind Lake
Winding Tree Lake
Windley Harbor
Windmill Branch
Windsor Pond
Winegourd Creek
Wingate Creek
Winkley Branch
Winquepin Pond
Winquipin Lake
Winston Lake
Winters Creek
Winzy Creek
Wise Creek
Wisher Creek
Wistaria Lake
Witherington Spring
Withlacoochee Bay
Withlacoochee River
Wolf Branch
Wolf Creek
Wolf Creek (Fidelis)
Wolf Creek (McLellan)
Wolf Creek (New Harmony)
Wolf Creek (Rock Hill)
Wolf Lake
Wolf Pond
Wolf Sink
Wolf Slough
Wolfe Creek
Wolfs Head Lake
Wolftrap Branch
Womack Creek
Woman Sink
Wood Key Cove
Wood Lake
Wood Pond
Wood River
Wood Sink
Woodbine Springs Lake
Woodbury Lake
Woodcock Lake
Woodell Branch
Woodruff Creek
Woods Branch
Woods Creek
Woods Creek (Boyd)
Woods Creek (Perry)
Woody Pond
Wooten Lake
Workman Lake
Workman Pond
Worley Lakes
Wright Basin
Wright Lake
Wright Pond
Wrights Creek
Wulfert Channel
Wyche Arm
Wynn Branch Creek
Wynn Lake
X L Lake
Ximanies Creek
Yacht Basin
Yacht Channel
Yankee Lake
Yarber Pond
Yard Pond
Yates Creek
Yates Mill Creek
Ybor Channel
Ybor Turning Basin
Yearling Pond
Yellow Bluff Creek
Yellow Creek
Yellow Fever Creek
Yellow Lake
Yellow River
Yellow Root Branch
Yellow Shark Channel
Yellow Water Creek
Yoke Branch
Yon Creek
York Branch
Youngs Creek
Your Bay
Yucca Pen Creek
Zay Prairie
Zeigler Dead River
Zephyr Lake
Zuke Pond
Big Cypress National Preserve/WMA
Upper Lake Lafayette
Chattahoochee River
Select One
Indian River
Palm Beach
Saint Johns
Saint Lucie
Santa Rosa
Select One
Lunker Club
Trophy Club
Hall of Fame
Big Catch
Catch Method
Select One
Rod and Reel with Artificial Lure
Rod and Reel with Natural Bait
Cane Pole with Natural Bait
Fly Rod and Reel with Artificial Fly
Guide/Marina Name
Select One
A1 Bass Guide Service Orlando: Captain Pete Matson
Airboats & Alligators: MR Ed "Ski" Olesky
AJ's Freelancer Bass Guides: Captain A. James Jackson
All Trophy Fishing: Captain Bill Whipple
Art of Fishing: Captain Art Ferguson
Bass Flats & Beyond Fishing Charter: Captain John Larsen
Bass Kickin Fishing Charters: Captain Steve Spatafora
Bass2Bay Fishing Charters: Captain Mike Morse
Bienville Outdoors
Bienville Outdoors: Chris Heron
Bienville Outdoors: Steven Gray
Big Bass Guide Services: Captain Shea Arnold
Big Toho Marina
Big Water Bait and Tackle
Blackcloud Fishing Charters: Captain Ricky Congero
Blackwater Charters: Captain Lee Howard
Bob Stonewater's Trophy Bass Guide Service
Bob's Landing MHP & Marina
Boogers Guide Service: Captain Scott England
Brooker's Bait Tackle
Bucks Guide Services: Captain Buck Durrance
Camp Lester Fish Camp
Camp Mack: A Guy Harvey Lodge, Marina, & RV Resort
BassOnline: Captain Bill Goudy Jr.
Captain Blake Smith
Captain Brent's Fishing Adventures
Orlando Bass Fishing Charters: Captain Christian Bellamo
BassOnline: Captain David Lang
Captain Don Brown
Captain Don Hatcher
Captain George Alexander
BassOnline: Captain Gino Losi
Captain Glen Fletcher
Central Florida Bass Charters: Captain Grady Maynard
Captain Jim Taylor
BassOnline: Captain John Leech
Central Florida Fishing Charters: Captain Jonathan Wilson
Fish Orlando: Captain Justen Moore
Captain Keith Austin
BassOnline: Captain Ken Walker
Orlando Bass Fishing Guide: Captain Kip Grunloh
Captain Lenny Crispino's Guide Service
BassOnline: Captain Mark Hilles
Captain Mark Rose
Captain Mike Rudder
Captain Morgan's Guide Service
Captain Morris Campbell
Florida Guides Association: Captain Pat Kelly
BassOnline: Captain Paul Dampier
BassOnline: Captain Peter Thliveros
iOutdoors: Captain Richard Hernandez
Florida Everglades Bass Fishing Adventures: Captain Shane Procell
BassOnline: Captain Steve Niemoeller
BassOnline: Captain Todd Kersey
BassOnline: Captain Wayne Fellows
Catchin' Bass Guide Service: Captain Kenny Hass
Central Florida Bucket Mouths: Monte Goodman
Aquatic Headwater Adventures: Chad Foster
Charlie Floyd
Chuck Pippin Fishing
Corky and Tangie's Guided Fishing Tours
Deep Blue Kayak Fishing Charters
Deep South Outfitters: Tom Donlan
Disney Fort Wilderness Bass Charter
Donkey Nation: James Snipes
Dream Big Guided Tours: Joseph William Berg
Farm Money Fishing Guide Service
Fast Break Bait and Tackle: Allen Duke
Fast Break Bait and Tackle: Captain Colton Hester
Fast Break Bait and Tackle
Fish Fellsmere
Fish Hand Guide Service
Fish Orlando
Fishin' Big Bass FL: Captain Larry Hauser
Fishing Okeechobee: Steve Daniel
Fishing with America's Finest: Captain Neal Stark
Fish-N-Maniac Bass Charters
Florida Everglades Bass Fishing Adventures
Florida's Son Fishing Charters: Captain David Menist
Fowl Attitude Outfitters: Fred Barak
Gator Joes Fishing Adventures
Gators Big Bass Guide Service: Captain Dean Puller
Georgetown Marina, Lodge & RV Park
Georgetown Marina, Lodge & RV Park: Adam
Golden Hook Bait & Tackle Guide Service
Gone Fishin with Dave: Captain Dave Sampson
Grape Hammock
Great Day Guide Service
Guided Bass Trips with Bass Fishing Guide Randy Yager
Haulin Bass Guide: Captain Mike Arnoldy
Heagy Burry Boat Ramp and Marina
Highland Park Fish Camp
Highland Park Fish Camp: James Hillman
Hooksetter Adventures: Captain Dave Schneider
Hope Fishing Adventures: Captain Charlie Phillips
Hugh Crumpler's Florida Trophy Pro Bass Fishing
Indian River Outdoors, LLC: Grass Flats Mafia: Captain Andrew Mixon
Ingram's Marina
Invictus Outdoors
J & J Fishing Charters: Captain John Wilgeroth
Jay's Bass Busting Guide Service
John Wood
Jolly Roger Marina
Just4Bass: Captain Scott Kerslake
Lake Charters Guide Service: Chuck Leach
Lake Okeechobee Bass Fishing Guide: Captain Leo Doran
Lake Placid Marine
Lake Sumter Fishing Excursions: Captain Kevin Crinion
Lake Talquin Lodge
Largemouth Central Fishing Charters: Captain Mick Maynard
Lee Smith's Guide Service
Longcast Guide Service: Captain Kevin Long
Makin Big Bass Memories: Captain Justin Makin
Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings Historic State Park
Mark Beaver's Guide Service
Michael Davis
Monster Bass Fishing Charters: Captain Austin Sawchuk
Monster Mike Fishing
Native Bass Fishing Charters: Captain Austin Keaton
Norfolk Southern Fish Camp: Shawn Michael
Nutrien White Springs
On Point Bass Guide Service: Captain Russell Cline
One Cast Away: Captain Dean Herdman
Orlando Bass & Panfish Guide: Captain Bobby Hensel
Orlando Bass & Panfish Guide
Orlando Bass Fishing
Orlando Trophy Bass Fishing with Steve Boyd
Osceola Outback Adventures: Captain Byron Hennecy
Palm Bay Outfitters
Pana Vista Lodge
Powells Campground
FL Big Bass Adventures
Pro Fishing Guide
PS Bass Guide Service: Captain Paul Shenep
Real Florida Hunting Preserve: Captain Schirra McDaniel
Reel Deal Outdoors Inc
Reel Dreams: Captain Mark King
Reel Florida Hammers: Captain Randall Taunton
Reel Southern Charters: Tommy McConnell
Reel Therapy Charters: Captain Jason Miller
Richardson's Fish Camp
Rick from Lake Toho
Rodman Reservoir Fishing
Roland & Mary Ann Martins Resort & Marina
Roland & Mary Ann Martins Resort & Marina: Captain Bo
Roland & Mary Ann Martins Resort & Marina: Captain Jerry Ware
Roland & Mary Ann Martins Resort & Marina: Captain Terry Garrels
Roland & Mary Ann Martins Resort & Marina: Steve Lake
Roland & Mary Ann Martins Resort & Marina: Captain Scott Patton
Roland Martin Fishing Adventure
Ron Gerard
Ross Hammock Ranch
Shellen Guide Service: Captain Nate Shellen
Shepard Guide Service: Captain Mark Shepard
Small Water Charters
South Florida Bass Fishing: Captain Angie Douthit
Southern Fried Charters: Captain Chris Davy
Southern Outdoorsman Guide Service: Dick Loupe
Southern Tackleworks
Southport Marina
Southwest Florida Freshwater Fishing Guide: SheFishes2: Captain Debbie Hanson
Sportsmen's Specialities
Strike-Zone Fishing Melbourne
Super Bass Guide Fishing Service: Captain Joe Ventrello
Swamp To Sea: Captain Patrick Smith
The Ritz-Carlton Golf Club: Captain Mark A. Benson
Tilsons Guide Service: Captain Erik Tilson
TMC Guide Services: Captain Scott Taylor
Toho Marine
Tom Mann Jr.
Tony Schillizzi
Tracy's Point Fishing Lodge
Trails End Fishing Resort
Trophy Bass Expeditions of Central Florida: Brice Rush
Trophy Bass Expeditions of Central Florida: Captain Sean Rush
Urban Legends Fishing Charters
Wayne Stumpe
Whippoorwill Sportsman's Lodge
Wojo's Bait & Tackle
Central Florida Bass Charters
Catchin' Bass Guide Services: Captain Kenny Hass
Wet Dreams Charters LLC: Captain Doug Harris
Everglades Fishing Tours: Captain Roy Singer
Everglades Holiday Park
Peacock Bass Adventures
Bassonline: Captain Dawson Wisner
Floyd Family Outfitters: Captain James Floyd
Scales & Tales Outdoors: Captain Terry Elliott
Select One
American Shad
Black Crappie
Blue Catfish
Blue Tilapia
Bowfin or Mudfish
Brown Bullhead
Butterfly Peacock Bass
Chain Pickerel
Channel Catfish
Common Carp
Flathead Catfish
Florida Gar
Jaguar Guapote
Largemouth Bass/Florida Bass
Longnose Gar
Mayan Cichlid
Redbreast Sunfish
Redear Sunfish
Shoal Bass
Spotted Bass
Spotted Gar
Spotted Sunfish
Striped Bass
Sunshine Bass
Suwannee Bass
Warmouth Sunfish
White Bass
White Catfish
Yellow Bullhead
Yellow Perch
Choctaw Bass